Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Dancing Queen

This past weekend, we were excited for two sets of Grandparents to join us for Ella's dance recital. We missed Nanny, but we totally understood why she couldn't be there and look forward to seeing her soon! . . . and Ella was so excited to get the big balloon bouquet delivered to her :)

This is Ella's third year in dance, and I know I am a tad bias, but she is one heck of a dancer! Her moves are gracefully, on beat, and often times, quite spunky and/or sassy (much to our dismay).

She had three different numbers in the recital this year - one each for tap, jazz and ballet. She had a great time performing for everyone, and had a big smile on her face the whole time (especially during the jazz number which was to "Baby" by the one-and-only Justin Beiber). Here are some pictures from both the rehearsal and the recital:






one of the best parts of dance . . . Ella's BFF Mette

(the girls were sick of me taking pictures . . . weird, I know . . . so I asked them what they would look like if they saw Justin Beiber, and this is what they came up with)




The girls were both very pleased to get their "3rd year trophies" . . . they have been waiting for them since their first dance recital.

The classes and costumes may be (too) expensive, but it's always really cute to watch Ella dance her heart out on stage every year. It (almost) makes all the time and money worth it :)

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About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)