Thursday, June 16, 2011


It's always really heartwarming to watch your kids play with a best friend. They treat each other so well and have so much fun together . . . and it always brings me back to when I was little and I got to play with my best friend. How a sleepover was never enough, how you could never get sick of each other, and how you would dream about marrying brothers one day so you could be "real sisters".

Well, Ella has that type of friend. Her name is Mette, and they just adore each other! The other day, I took the girls out and snapped some photos of them on the beach in their ballet costumes (since we "missed" the professional photos) . . . I also thought it would be fun to take some "best friend photos" with them doing some summer-time activities. Fortunately, I had the same dress, one size apart and in different colors so the girls could "coordinate" with each other . . . we've all done that right? Called your best friend before a 6th grade dance, to make sure that we wore the exact same acid-washed jean skirt with matching Jordache top? No? Maybe that was just me.

Here are just a few of my favorite shots:

my friends photography

my friends photography

my friends photography

my friends photography

my friends photography

my friends photography

my friends photography

my friends photograhy,beach ballerina

my friends photography

my friends photography,beach ballerina

my friends photography

my friends photography

my friends photography

I can only hope they stay life-long friends! :)


Kristine said...

those are WAY cuter than any of those staged dance photos. LOVE THEM!!

Vickmark Family said...

oh Kristine.. I should show her our dance pictures!!!!

Jenine said...

We feel the same way.....could not be happier that Mette has Ella to be her BFF!!! It would be great for them to marry about 30 years!! Thanks for the photos and the memories we make every time we are together!!!

Nancy Blackmun said...

LOVE THESE PICTURES ... pictures often speak louder than words . . . can't find the words to tell you how amazing these pictures are! Love the ones from the recital as well...such personalities these two have and they show through the pictures! Love, MOM

Nancy Blackmun said...


Nancy Blackmun said...

LOVE THESE PICTURES ... pictures often speak louder than words . . . can't find the words to tell you how amazing these pictures are! Love the ones from the recital as well...such personalities these two have and they show through the pictures! Love, MOM

About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)