Tuesday, February 28, 2012

okay . . .

So . . . lots to share . . . let's start here.


Um, yeah. I'm pregnant! With my 4th child! And it was quite a surprise! But we are very excited! However, it's been quite a roller coaster ride since we have found out.

Initial reaction = shock!

After we finally believed the news = excitement!

At 6 weeks, I experienced some spotting, so I went into the clinic for an ultrasound and found out that the baby looked good, but they were seeing a "irregular and elongated gestational sack" (higher risk of miscarriage) = worry!

At 7 weeks, I had a follow-up ultrasound and found out the "condition" had fixed itself, and baby was doing great! = relieved and excited!

At 12 weeks, I had a massive hemorrhage at school, and was sure I was having a miscarriage. Went to the E.R. and after a few tests, was elated to see our baby on the ultrasound screen happy and healthy!! Jumping all over the place with a heart rate of 155! = terrified, then amazed and thankful!

However, due to the loss of blood in the first trimester, I was still at a high risk of miscarriage = worry!

A follow-up appointment with my OB doc, landed me on bed rest for a week due to my continued bleeding. My doc thinks I may have Placenta Previa or Placenta Accreta. Previa is quite common and can fix itself (YAY), but Accreta is more serious and could bring hospitalized long term bed rest, early delivery, and a possible hysterectomy at the time of birth (BOO!)

At this time, I am no longer on restricted bed rest, however I still have to be very careful and rest a bunch. My doc won't let me return to work because I am still spotting, so for right now, I am just waiting . . . trying to be patient and understand that I have no control over this situation, and just to take things one day at a time . . . easier said than done. :)

Throughout this little situation, I have been amazed by how wonderful my family and friends are! I am truly blessed in many different ways! :)

I will try to keep you updated as things pan out, as for now, all we can do is pray.

Monday, February 13, 2012

not a baby anymore . . .

My baby is no longer a baby. She is growing and learning and being more of a "big girl" with each new day. I am happy to report that she is technically potty trained! She has been wearing her new big girl underwear every day for the past few weeks, and has been accident free for quite some time. The only time she ever wears a diaper is when she is sleeping. We are so proud of her!

This past weekend, she also hit a major milestone by getting her very first hair cut. I have been putting it off because I knew once we got it cut, those adorable curls at the end of her hair would be gone forever :(. But the mullet was getting out of control, so we decided to even things up a bit.



She did so well. No tears. No whining. She held very still and watched in the mirror as the stylist took off the last part of "baby" she had left.




I'm trying not to be too dramatic about this. She still cuddles in the morning. She still lets me sing to her (...not well) at night while I rock her. And she still has her passie (the next thing on our list!). But it is true what they say . . . it all slips away so quickly!

Friday, February 3, 2012


Yes, that's right. I am the mother of a teenager. How can that be? I still feel like a teenager myself! Oh well....who would ever not want to feel young, right?? .... Oh my gosh, I just realized that I'm That Mom....the mom who thinks she's still young and cool....oh no. Quick!! Subject change!

To celebrate Jocie's milestone birthday, we decided to have parties that highlighted the new addition to our backyard. With the extremely warm winter we've been having, it was a struggle to get it ready for the big events. But we (meaning Carl) got it ready in the nick of time.

Jocie and 5 of her BFF's dined on Pizza, bread sticks and pop before lacing up their skates and hitting the rink. It was so much fun to watch them have fun!




Then they all relaxed and warmed up fire-side while enjoying some hot chocolate. Then it was back inside for gossiping, stairs surfing (....not a good idea) and a post-midnight snack of cheese balls, Doritos and ice cream cake (see, I am a cool mom).

The next weekend, we had the extended fam over to party on the rink again! We were pretty excited that G&G Adolphson and most of her aunts and uncles were able to join us (even when they were coming from 4 hours away!).


Carl's ready to bring his A game....with Claire's hockey stick.


(poor Dwaine didn't see this one coming.....)

Side Story: Dwaine and Judy brought some extra skates along from one of their friends....I don't think these skates had been used in a few years (or decades). Keith had to duct tape them for extra ankle support!


The next weekend we hit the road to watch Carl's cousin Kamille play some Iowa Hawkeye Basketball against Purdue. We watch her on TV all the time, but that doesn't hold a candle to seeing it in person. Such a blast!!



Ella and Karla (Carl's aunt - Kamille's mom)

who's got the best 3 point shot % in the Big Ten? Oh yeah, Kamille!!

the coach firing up the starters right before tip-off. Kamille is #2



After the game, we even got a tour of the locker room and practice facitilites!




I know I haven't been as good about keeping up with the blog. I usually write and edit when the girls are asleep, but lately I have been crashing right after they do. Hopefully I will get some energy back soon!

About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)