Saturday, October 27, 2012

OMG we saw JB

Big Shocker - I haven't blogged in a while. *insert sarcasm* I haven't been distracted from my bogging because of a screaming baby, whiny, attention seeking middle children, or a teenager who wants to be driven anywhere and everywhere because she wants to be anywhere but home.  Oh no. That's not it at all. *end sarcasm*

I love my life. I love my children. I love my family. Really. I promise. :)

Subject change - - on to the fun! Ali and Daysha came down for a long weekend to hang out and ..... wait for it .... to go to the Justin Beiber Concert! That's right folks! I paid money to leave my chaotic, loud, crazy house to go to a chaotic, loud and crazy pre-teen packed stadium full of crazed SCREAMING kids. Sound like a good plan? Honestly - it was awesome! It gave me a chance to get out of my house, get dressed up (or at least of of my pj's), go out for a nice dinner at PF Chang's, and watch my two oldest daughters experience their first concert while we danced, screamed and sang right along with everyone else. It is something we will never forget.

 (pre-gaming was a must)
 Can't you just hear the ear splitting screaming??

Thanks Ali and Daysha for a great time! And thanks to Daysha for the concert pics.

We also got a chance to hang out with my dad for a few afternoons before my dad and Barb fly south for the winter.

Because Bopa was coming over, we just had to put Carter's first hockey jersey on.  He loved it!

My dad is known for holding babies in what we all call, "The Bopa Hold". He can usually get babies to stop crying by holding him like this . . . it even worked on Carter (for awhile).

Then, Carl and Jocie went to a football game, my dad took the two other girls to a birthday party, Carter napped, and I got a chance to edit pics and blog. It's quiet in my house. It is fabulous.

(his cheeks are getting so big that they are collapsing his mouth!)

Tomorrow we will dive into our pumpkins and transform them into Jack-O-Lanterns. More to come...

Friday, October 19, 2012

3 months

Carter is the big 0-3 today! ;) It feels strange because on one hand, time is going so fast that I can hardly believe he's already 3 months old. On the other, it feels like he's been apart of our family for way longer than just 3 months!

this photo took a while to get....the collage below is more accurate :)
3 Months Stats:
Carter Likes: crying, nursing, snoozing while being held/cuddled, toys (especially ones that hang or make noise), rattles, showers, his bouncy chair and looking outside
Carter Doesn't Like: car rides, baths, wearing hats, changing clothes, not being held, the time 30 minutes after being fed until the next feeding, or his swing (for the most part)
Weight: 13+ pounds
Clothes: just starting to grow out of 0-3 months clothes - into size 3 month in the "Carter's" brand
Diaper size - 2
Number of chins - 2+
We love you so much! We can't wait for you to grow even more! You are getting so big and filling out nicely (we love all your new rolls). Within the next month, we are looking forward to you growing out of your colic (please! please! please!) and also beginning to sleep for longer amounts of time at night.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

family photos

With the fall season comes a lot of families who want their family photos taken. This year is no different.  Since the end of August, I have been busy every weekend doing photo sessions for many different families. The families might be different, but the scene is always the same. The family pulls up to the location and we both give the 'ol "hi there" wave.  Out pops the mom looking frazzled, nervous and excited all at the same time.  Frazzled because she has spent the last 2-3 hours getting her family ready against their will, dressed to the nines in their new coordinating clothing. Nervous because she doubts her family will be able to take a good photo, and excited because there's still some hope that all will work out!! The kids pile out of the car and immediately act shy and intimidated OR wild and rambunctious. Uh oh, Mom looks nervous again because the kids aren't "acting like themselves". The dad is last out of the car.  He looks annoyed as he walks towards me looking like he's marching to his death dressed in an outfit that he wouldn't be caught dead in around his friends. This is the true "picture" of what it's like to get your family photo taken . . . wait a minute . . . that's probably not good for business . . . what i mean to say is: don't feel bad if getting your family photo is stressful. I get it! And even though your kids act weird/naughty, and your husband pouts, there are always a few good ones that you'll love! :)

It's taken me quite a few weeks, but I think I have finally edited our family photos for the year. I will post all, except for the couple that will be gracing this year's Christmas card. I wouldn't want to spoil it for you :)


Then we had to do a few fun (aka stupid) ones :)



This year's photos were different from last year's for a couple of reasons.

1.  We have a new family member (dah)

2.  We went to a new location

3.  The cops were called to said location because we were "trespassing" and we were asked to leave.
(the real reason why the cops came was because there was another photographer there and she wanted the spot we were using, so she called the cops on us and then left --- what a b-word)

4.  I asked Claire to be good while were we trying to get photos taken and she bent down, scooped up a hand full of dirt and threw it in my face.

5. I made Carl take a few pictures with me . . . just the two of us. This never happens. He was all awkward, and nervous that I would post them . . .

Ah, family photos. I love them so much . . . it takes a little effort to get them, but it's always worth it!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I'm living a fairytale . . .

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful princess named Snow White. She had "lips the color of a nose, and scales as white as snow" (Snow White's self description). She loves wearing beautiful dress as she cleans the castle all day long.
(in reality, I can hardly get Snow White to pick up her toys)
I also live with a little dwarf named Grumpy.
He is an adorable little dwarf that can be super sweet at times (he's starting to smile when he's awake!). However, Grumpy prefers to scream and cry all day and into the night. He also loves to burp and fart, which is probably why he cries all the time. On a positive note, he turns into an absolute Prince when he's Sleepy and falls into a deep, deep slumber. 
Who am I, you might ask? Why, I am the Wicked Queen. I used to care about being fair, but now a days, all I want is few minutes of peace and a good night's sleep. You can see me around town looking haggard and unkempt. But you better not mention my appearance! I live with a Huntsman who would drag you out into the woods and you would never be seen again.
Mirror, mirror on the wall. Why do I have a dwarf that loves to bawl??

Someday, I will have a family of dwarfs who are Happy. Hell, I will even take Sleepy, Sneezy and Dopey!  Then, I will be able to live happily ever after.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The fall season is buzzing with tons of activity. Thankfully, we have had an influx of visitors (AKA helpers) lately, which has helped a lot. Last weekend started off with Monticello's and STMA's homecoming games. Joc had a blast even though Monti lost in a nail bitter against the power-house Rogers. Sadly STMA lost too. It wasn't the best weekend for football.

Joc and some of her Monti friends

On Saturday Morning, we headed off to St. Michael to participate in a 5K for a great cause.  Last year, Carl lost a wonderful co-worker and friend in a horrible tragity. The Fire-Up 5K is run in rememberance of a great friend, teacher, dad, Marine, husband and friend.  It was heart-warming to see how many people where there to honor his spirit and support his wife and two boys. It was a gorgeous morning for a 5K!

Carl and his brother Keith warm up with some team stretching . . . :)
so many people!

I was a hurting unit afterwards . . . and I walked it . . . I used to run 5K's with no problem . . . urg.

On Sunday, we had our family photos taken by my dear friend, Nicole.  As soon as I get a chance to edit them, I will post them :)

On Monday, my mom came to stay with us for the week.  It was awesome having her around again.  I don't know what it is, but there is just a certain way she does things that just makes everything better.

went to Cherry Berry for a treat

 My favorite part of having my mom here, is being able to have coffee with her in the morning.  It's more than a morning drink for us . . . it's like an event. I love it.
(mom was laughing at my dirty windows . . . see that smear of something on my window to her left? A bird flew into it last weekend, and I still have not cleaned off the crap it left behind!) 

Carter is continuing to get bigger (12 lbs. 14oz today) . . . and more fussy. I think it's pretty safe to say that he has colic. (tear) Jocie had colic too.  It's not fun.  It's really hard to watch/listen to your baby scream and scream and not be able to do anything to help. I hope he grows out of it soon! To try and help,  I have cut out all lactose in my diet . . . who knows? He may have a sensitivity to it. I am willing to do whatever I need to do to help him! But honestly, milk/dairy seems to be in everything. I am also taking him to the Chiropractor. We love Dr. Boone! He always seems a bit more relaxed when we leave.


Thanks to my dad and Barb and my mom for helping us out and holding/rocking/walking with my screaming baby. It's helped out more than you know :)

About Me

My photo
...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)