Friday, October 19, 2012

3 months

Carter is the big 0-3 today! ;) It feels strange because on one hand, time is going so fast that I can hardly believe he's already 3 months old. On the other, it feels like he's been apart of our family for way longer than just 3 months!

this photo took a while to get....the collage below is more accurate :)
3 Months Stats:
Carter Likes: crying, nursing, snoozing while being held/cuddled, toys (especially ones that hang or make noise), rattles, showers, his bouncy chair and looking outside
Carter Doesn't Like: car rides, baths, wearing hats, changing clothes, not being held, the time 30 minutes after being fed until the next feeding, or his swing (for the most part)
Weight: 13+ pounds
Clothes: just starting to grow out of 0-3 months clothes - into size 3 month in the "Carter's" brand
Diaper size - 2
Number of chins - 2+
We love you so much! We can't wait for you to grow even more! You are getting so big and filling out nicely (we love all your new rolls). Within the next month, we are looking forward to you growing out of your colic (please! please! please!) and also beginning to sleep for longer amounts of time at night.

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About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)