Wednesday, October 17, 2012

family photos

With the fall season comes a lot of families who want their family photos taken. This year is no different.  Since the end of August, I have been busy every weekend doing photo sessions for many different families. The families might be different, but the scene is always the same. The family pulls up to the location and we both give the 'ol "hi there" wave.  Out pops the mom looking frazzled, nervous and excited all at the same time.  Frazzled because she has spent the last 2-3 hours getting her family ready against their will, dressed to the nines in their new coordinating clothing. Nervous because she doubts her family will be able to take a good photo, and excited because there's still some hope that all will work out!! The kids pile out of the car and immediately act shy and intimidated OR wild and rambunctious. Uh oh, Mom looks nervous again because the kids aren't "acting like themselves". The dad is last out of the car.  He looks annoyed as he walks towards me looking like he's marching to his death dressed in an outfit that he wouldn't be caught dead in around his friends. This is the true "picture" of what it's like to get your family photo taken . . . wait a minute . . . that's probably not good for business . . . what i mean to say is: don't feel bad if getting your family photo is stressful. I get it! And even though your kids act weird/naughty, and your husband pouts, there are always a few good ones that you'll love! :)

It's taken me quite a few weeks, but I think I have finally edited our family photos for the year. I will post all, except for the couple that will be gracing this year's Christmas card. I wouldn't want to spoil it for you :)


Then we had to do a few fun (aka stupid) ones :)



This year's photos were different from last year's for a couple of reasons.

1.  We have a new family member (dah)

2.  We went to a new location

3.  The cops were called to said location because we were "trespassing" and we were asked to leave.
(the real reason why the cops came was because there was another photographer there and she wanted the spot we were using, so she called the cops on us and then left --- what a b-word)

4.  I asked Claire to be good while were we trying to get photos taken and she bent down, scooped up a hand full of dirt and threw it in my face.

5. I made Carl take a few pictures with me . . . just the two of us. This never happens. He was all awkward, and nervous that I would post them . . .

Ah, family photos. I love them so much . . . it takes a little effort to get them, but it's always worth it!

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About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)