Thursday, October 4, 2012

The fall season is buzzing with tons of activity. Thankfully, we have had an influx of visitors (AKA helpers) lately, which has helped a lot. Last weekend started off with Monticello's and STMA's homecoming games. Joc had a blast even though Monti lost in a nail bitter against the power-house Rogers. Sadly STMA lost too. It wasn't the best weekend for football.

Joc and some of her Monti friends

On Saturday Morning, we headed off to St. Michael to participate in a 5K for a great cause.  Last year, Carl lost a wonderful co-worker and friend in a horrible tragity. The Fire-Up 5K is run in rememberance of a great friend, teacher, dad, Marine, husband and friend.  It was heart-warming to see how many people where there to honor his spirit and support his wife and two boys. It was a gorgeous morning for a 5K!

Carl and his brother Keith warm up with some team stretching . . . :)
so many people!

I was a hurting unit afterwards . . . and I walked it . . . I used to run 5K's with no problem . . . urg.

On Sunday, we had our family photos taken by my dear friend, Nicole.  As soon as I get a chance to edit them, I will post them :)

On Monday, my mom came to stay with us for the week.  It was awesome having her around again.  I don't know what it is, but there is just a certain way she does things that just makes everything better.

went to Cherry Berry for a treat

 My favorite part of having my mom here, is being able to have coffee with her in the morning.  It's more than a morning drink for us . . . it's like an event. I love it.
(mom was laughing at my dirty windows . . . see that smear of something on my window to her left? A bird flew into it last weekend, and I still have not cleaned off the crap it left behind!) 

Carter is continuing to get bigger (12 lbs. 14oz today) . . . and more fussy. I think it's pretty safe to say that he has colic. (tear) Jocie had colic too.  It's not fun.  It's really hard to watch/listen to your baby scream and scream and not be able to do anything to help. I hope he grows out of it soon! To try and help,  I have cut out all lactose in my diet . . . who knows? He may have a sensitivity to it. I am willing to do whatever I need to do to help him! But honestly, milk/dairy seems to be in everything. I am also taking him to the Chiropractor. We love Dr. Boone! He always seems a bit more relaxed when we leave.


Thanks to my dad and Barb and my mom for helping us out and holding/rocking/walking with my screaming baby. It's helped out more than you know :)

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About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)