Joc and some of her Monti friends
On Saturday Morning, we headed off to St. Michael to participate in a 5K for a great cause. Last year, Carl lost a wonderful co-worker and friend in a horrible tragity. The Fire-Up 5K is run in rememberance of a great friend, teacher, dad, Marine, husband and friend. It was heart-warming to see how many people where there to honor his spirit and support his wife and two boys. It was a gorgeous morning for a 5K!
Carl and his brother Keith warm up with some team stretching . . . :)
so many people!
I was a hurting unit afterwards . . . and I walked it . . . I used to run 5K's with no problem . . . urg.
On Sunday, we had our family photos taken by my dear friend, Nicole. As soon as I get a chance to edit them, I will post them :)
On Monday, my mom came to stay with us for the week. It was awesome having her around again. I don't know what it is, but there is just a certain way she does things that just makes everything better.
went to Cherry Berry for a treat

My favorite part of having my mom here, is being able to have coffee with her in the morning. It's more than a morning drink for us . . . it's like an event. I love it.
(mom was laughing at my dirty windows . . . see that smear of something on my window to her left? A bird flew into it last weekend, and I still have not cleaned off the crap it left behind!)
Carter is continuing to get bigger (12 lbs. 14oz today) . . . and more fussy. I think it's pretty safe to say that he has colic. (tear) Jocie had colic too. It's not fun. It's really hard to watch/listen to your baby scream and scream and not be able to do anything to help. I hope he grows out of it soon! To try and help, I have cut out all lactose in my diet . . . who knows? He may have a sensitivity to it. I am willing to do whatever I need to do to help him! But honestly, milk/dairy seems to be in everything. I am also taking him to the Chiropractor. We love Dr. Boone! He always seems a bit more relaxed when we leave.

Thanks to my dad and Barb and my mom for helping us out and holding/rocking/walking with my screaming baby. It's helped out more than you know :)
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