To celebrate Jocie's milestone birthday, we decided to have parties that highlighted the new addition to our backyard. With the extremely warm winter we've been having, it was a struggle to get it ready for the big events. But we (meaning Carl) got it ready in the nick of time.
Jocie and 5 of her BFF's dined on Pizza, bread sticks and pop before lacing up their skates and hitting the rink. It was so much fun to watch them have fun!

Then they all relaxed and warmed up fire-side while enjoying some hot chocolate. Then it was back inside for gossiping, stairs surfing (....not a good idea) and a post-midnight snack of cheese balls, Doritos and ice cream cake (see, I am a cool mom).
The next weekend, we had the extended fam over to party on the rink again! We were pretty excited that G&G Adolphson and most of her aunts and uncles were able to join us (even when they were coming from 4 hours away!).

Carl's ready to bring his A game....with Claire's hockey stick.
(poor Dwaine didn't see this one coming.....)

Side Story: Dwaine and Judy brought some extra skates along from one of their friends....I don't think these skates had been used in a few years (or decades). Keith had to duct tape them for extra ankle support!

The next weekend we hit the road to watch Carl's cousin Kamille play some Iowa Hawkeye Basketball against Purdue. We watch her on TV all the time, but that doesn't hold a candle to seeing it in person. Such a blast!!

Ella and Karla (Carl's aunt - Kamille's mom)

who's got the best 3 point shot % in the Big Ten? Oh yeah, Kamille!!

the coach firing up the starters right before tip-off. Kamille is #2

After the game, we even got a tour of the locker room and practice facitilites!

I know I haven't been as good about keeping up with the blog. I usually write and edit when the girls are asleep, but lately I have been crashing right after they do. Hopefully I will get some energy back soon!
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