The two little girls had a good time running around at the game. There were a few times that I had to run out onto the court to get Claire . . . the other parents would just smile and giggle, and tell me how cute she is. Yeah, Yeah, real cute, I thought. :)
I did, however, get Claire to sit still in the stands. There she sat with her best friend next to her (passie), looking so grown-up, clapping every now and then.

Unfortunately, this was short lived.
Later that night was our annual Christmas Tree Lighting Extravaganza! Oh what a merry time. Frank Sinatra's Christmas songs in the background, candles lit . . . the girls fighting over ornaments, trying to figure out how to fit our tree into our little family room, Carl digging our three-piece tree out of a very awkward and packed storage area, moving the chair only to find that the dog puked on the floor (months ago) . . . it's all so magical.
So . . . the show must go on.

Ahhhhhh. Much better. Carl and Jocie got busy assembling the tree and spreading out it's branches. Then, we plugged in the pre-strung lights and crossed our fingers in hopes they would turn on! Next Jocie and I made sure the garland was on just right.

Then everyone takes a turn putting on their favorite and most special ornament on the tree. After that, we filled in the tree with all the other ornaments we have collected over the years. This is my favorite part because it sparks a lot of "I made this for" and "remember when" stories.

Jocie's passie ornament . . . Claire wasn't the only passie-lover in this family.
After the tree was complete and Claire was asleep, we snuggled in next to the glowing tree to watch "Christmas Vacation".
Even with all the chaos that started off this event, it sure ended up being a fantastic night.
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