Snow is what makes winter so fun. Nothing is more beautiful than watching big, fat flakes float down from the sky. Not only does it make breathtaking landscapes, but it also promotes activities such as sledding, skiing, snowboarding (which I am going to do this winter - I had to take last winter off because of my bum back), snowmobiling, ice skating and hockey.
It's also fun to hear the swoosh-swoosh-swoosh sounds of kids in their big marshmallow-y snow pants as they run out the door to build snowmen and snow forts and of course have big snowball fights.
To celebrate the newly fallen snow, we Adolphsons went outside the other night to have some fun of our own. Of course it took us about 15 minutes just to get dressed, but it was totally worth it. I heard once that "the only people in Minnesota who are cold, are worried about what they look like" . . . so very true.

Since there are no hills near our house, Carl took out the snowmobile, hooked on a sled, and gave the kids rides around the backyard. (sorry for the lack of pictures . . . my battery went dead). The girls loved every minute out in that snow . . . except for Claire
. . . she is not a big fan yet. But by Christmas, we will have her loving the snow too!
Happy December!
PS - Santa, could you please bring Monticello a storm with considerable snow and wind ON A SCHOOL DAY! We have not had a snow day for as long as I can remember. Thanks.
1 comment:
Okay...that picture of Claire is PRICELESS!
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