Monday, April 12, 2010

The Year of Claire

This year has been the best year of our little family's life. It was the year of Claire, the year of three children, the year of 5 Adolphson's. There is a picture hung up in every one of my family member's houses that states, "with every new birth our circle grows, and with every challenge faced, our circle grows stronger". With our circle growing, we faced new challenges - stretching our responsibilities, stretching our time, stretching our dollars, but also stretching our ability to love past a level we never thought possible.

We were blessed with Claire Natalie one year ago today (almost to the minute). She came 2 weeks early, on Easter Sunday, and was a true gift from God. Her first few minutes were nerve-racking, due to some respiratory difficulties. But, like a trooper, she pulled through quickly, and was perfect in every way.

Jocelyn and Ella were absolutely thrilled with their new little sister. Three sisters. Another best friend for life.

We were smitten with our new little kitten. We just couldn't get enough.

The beauty shot (3 days old)

Relaxing (at home at last)

2 weeks old

This little girl was showered with affection from all

Claire's God Parents - John and Beth Lundby

Claire's Baptism

2 months old

3 months old

4 months old

5 months old

Claire-Bear on her first Halloween
6 months old

Opening her first Christmas present (with Ella's help)
9 months old

10 months old

1 year

Claire's 1 year stats:
Walking status - no, still crawling. But standing on her own.
Favorite food - bananas
Favorite toy - teddy bear
Favorite naughty behavior(s) - pinching and head butting
Words spoken - mama, dada, dat (that's a word) and pup
Weight - 23 lbs
Favorite book - Goodnight Moon
Least favorite activity - driving in the car
This year has been absolutely wonderful, and we can't wait for all of the new adventures yet to come. We love you, Claire-Bear

1 comment:

amie giersdorf said...

I ABSOLUTELY love this Anne!!! If for no other reason than to show me how use this site and create amazing blogs, you MUST visit soon!!! Ok, well...that will be the last reason on the list...but it's still a reason! We miss you all so much!! Happy first year Claire!!! The Dorf's can't wait to meet you!! :) Hugs and kisses to all!

About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)