I know this is a cliche, but,
oh how time flies!!! I cannot believe our little Claire-Bear is turning one tomorrow. We have had such a wonderful year getting to know her and having all sorts of adventures as a family of five. I will delve into our past year in my next post, but this one, I am dedicating to the party!
We celebrated her big milestone with a good-old-fashioned family birthday party. We invited our families; which included grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, cousins . . . the whole fam-damly :) We were so blessed with the people who could make it (almost 30!) and missed the ones who could not. The few that were absent, were with us in spirit.
What's a family party without some good eats! We had all of the BBQ basics. Brats (no, I'm not talking about the kids), hot dogs, cookie salad, taco salad, spinach dip, chips and dip, veggies, Doritos, and lets not forget the margaritas and beer!

What's a birthday party without the cake! This
adorable cake was made by Carl's Aunt Joan, which Grandma and Grandpa Adolphson brought all the way from Argyle! Not only is it cute, but it was amazingly delicious. Claire was sure lucky to have this as her first experience with cake . . . although any other cake will not live up to these high standards!

Okay . . . here it comes . . . the birthday attire. I will straight-up admit to it, I am
that mom. One that buys their little girl a special little outfit just for her to wear for a few hours at her 1st birthday party. Even though she won't remember it. Even though it was too expensive. Even though it wasn't that comfortable. It's damn cute, and no one can tell me that it wasn't worth it.
It's a tutu! That's right, a huge, two-toned, pink and pink, fluffy tutu. Paired with a specialized onesie that has an embroidered "1" on it, embellished with ribbons and topped off with a matching headband. I told you. Absolutely ridiculous, but freakin' cute.
After getting dressed, we had to show Grandma Adolphson first . . . she approved.

Then we showed Grandpa Adolphson . . . he approved.

Then we showed Boppa (Grandpa Lundby) . . . he approved.

Then, of course, there was daddy. Who's exact words after opening the box it was mailed in was, "What the hell is this?" . . . he came around and couldn't resist either.

All that tulle didn't slow her down one bit! She loved being on the trampoline with her cousins . . .

and walking with Ella . . .

(It's official . . . she's got the "Lundby Legs" . . . sorry, honey)
walking with Boppa . . .

she could do anything she wanted in that tutu :) After a while, we decided to take it off after it cooled down a bit. Oh, and did I mention the weather?!? I couldn't have ordered a more perfect day out of a catalog. We all took advantage by relaxing on the patio, sipping our beverages, watching the kids play (cue the alleluia chorus).
Watching the kids play was like traveling back in time. Twelve children attended the party, all spanning from 11 years old to two-months-old. Everyone had someone to play with and many played in big groups. It reminded me of our family get togethers growing up; grown-ups BBQ-ing and laughing, with the kids running and playing. Couldn't help myself from smiling.

Cousins Megan (puller) with Tanner and Keira (riding) and Taryn (pushing).

Step-brother Scott, with niece Keira

Carl's brother Keith and wife Katie chatting with my step-sister Sarah
After our feast, it was time for the cake. Everyone gathered in the garage to sing to our littlest "big girl". She wasn't quite sure what all the fuss was about at first.

Until this happened. Her first piece of sugary, buttery birthday cake was plopped onto her tray. She was never allowed to eat anything like this before. Oh, the wonder.

Then came the first taste.

She was still pretty reserved as she had to have another touch.

She continued her dainty tasting, just one little bit at a time.

Ummmm. This frosting is
soooo good.

But then she had enough. "That's it?" I wondered.

Nope. She got her second wind (or the sugar kicked in)

Then she started to really dig in and make a mess! She crumbled that piece into tiny little morsels

and took full advantage of the situation

until she was "all done".

Then it was straight into the tub!
After her tub, everyone headed for home so she could relax a bit. Our big day was done, and it was perfect. Throughout the whole evening, I couldn't help but be amazed with my family. All these people came from far and near to celebrate our little girl's first year of life. I am so blessed to have such a big and wonderful family.
The next morning, Claire got to open her presents in her PJ's while all the grown-ups sipped their coffee. We were blown away with one adorable outfit after another. The girl is ready for spring and summer!

She also got another special gift from her God parents, Uncle John and Auntie Beth, who couldn't be with us because they just moved to Washington state. We missed them terribly, but Claire loved the books she got. We will read them often.
Happy 1st Birthday Claire!!
So proud of you Anne! You figured out the layout! Looks great!
Happy Birthday Claire!!
I just got a chance to read the blog since we finally have internet! She looks SO cute in her tutu! Wish we could've been there but we're glad she liked her books!
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