The category of "Mother" is a big one. So, I broke down the big category into a few favorite genres. Do you (or your mother) fit into any of these identities?

Wholesome Mom
Wholesome Mom always appears to have it together. She is organized and ready for anything. Her house is immaculate, right down to her snack cupboard. Wholesome mom is very clean-cut and has well behaved children. On the weekends, you can find Wholesome Mom in her perfect kitchen baking cookies (from scratch) for the PTO fundraiser next week, for she is the PTO President. During the week, she always finds time to pack cold lunches (with all food groups represented) for her children because school lunch is strictly forbidden (shutter at the thought). She wear pearls to church, never raises her voice in public, and throws seamless birthday parties. Her children aren't allowed more than 30 minutes of (educational) television a day, but they don't mind, for they are Wholesome Children.

Hippie Mom
Hippie mom strolls her children down the sidewalk without a care in the world. She is happy. Truly happy, with herself and her family. Yes, she may look a little unkempt, with her I-haven't-showered-in-three-days hair, but she could care less. Hippie Mom's children are often without shoes, and their clothes never match, but they are don't seem to notice. They are pumped their mom lets them get as dirty and messy as they want as they play outside for hours at a time. Hippie mom would never micro-manage her children's activities, and loves that her life is stress-free.

Organic Mom
Organic Mom and Hippie mom are good friends . . . they met at a Yoga class at the local YMCA. Organic mom is a Vegan, and prepares all her meals from raw (and organic) veggies, fruit and tofu. Her children are wearing cloth diapers, and are never at the doctor's office because they are never sick. She also makes her own wipes and recycles EVERYTHING. Organic mom always has her children in cute sun hats at the park because she doesn't believe in wearing chemical-packed sun block. Organic Mom is always packin' a gluten-free snack in her purse with a back-up in the glove compartment of her hybrid vehicle. Organic Mom spends her free time in her huge garden and loves every minute of it.

Fun Mom
Everyone wants to be around Fun Mom. She is the life of the party and the hero of her children. Fun mom would never turn down the opportunity to play Barbies with her daughter, or trucks with her son. Her house is eternally scattered with toys and blocks, but she doesn't mind because playing with her kids is way more important than a clean house. Her teenage kids and all of their friends actually like her and want to hang out at her house . . . Fun Mom also has all of the good snacks in her kitchen.

Chic Mom
Chic Mom is gorgeous and fashionable at all times. Can anyone look that good at Wal-Mart . . . oh yes, Chic Mom can! Not only is she trendy, but so are her adorable children. You may secretively hate Chic Mom because when you are seen with her, you are known as her "frumpy friend". Her Christmas cards makes you puke. Chic Mom is the poster-child for "Hot Mama" and probably gets a discount there for being so perfect. She also has a keen eye for home decor, very contemporary (maybe not your style, but nice). Even though it might be tough, don't be hating on Chic Mom . . . you know you want to be her.
Motherhood is not easy. In fact, being a mother is the hardest job there is (to do well)! Every mother has her strengths and weaknesses. Instead of focusing on the negatives of our own mothering skills, lets celebrate all that we do well. If you need a little encouragement, just look into the eyes of your children. They love you more than you can measure, so embrace your inner Wholesome Mom, Hippie Mom, Organic Mom, Fun Mom, or Chic Mom. You must be doing something right!
hmmmm... wonder where I fit in? ;)
yeah . . . I almost said "your name might be Kristine" . . . but then I opted out :)
Which mom sips martinis all afternoon and orders take out for dinner?.....because that is that category that I fit in. I feel totally mis-represented.
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