Birthday Extra #1 - the girls had cake doughnuts with chocolate icing and multi-colored sprinkles for breakfast (Thanks, Grandpa Dwaine). The birthday girl ate almost two herself - - if you count just eating the tops of them :)
Birthday Extra #2 - Claire got to bring ice-cream-cone themed cupcakes to daycare to share with her friends, and also got a birthday present from Missy
Birthday Extra #3 - We got to eat dinner picnic-style at Ella's soccer practice.
Birthday Extra #4 - We celebrated with cake and ice cream before Claire opened some birthday presents. After browsing through the bakery isle at our local grocery store and checking out the price of a small birthday cake, I decided to make one instead. I knew it wouldn't be from scratch, and I knew it would not look professional, but I also knew that Claire would like it just the same. So behold, my first 8 inch round layered birthday cake!

Make a wish
. . . but then she gave in. Claire was excited to open presents from us and also from Uncle John (whom Claire calls "Donny") and Auntie Beth. This present was sent all the way from Seattle!

Aw! She is so flippin' CUTE! I'm glad she got to open her present on her birthday... of course I picked out the "child anatomy book" for her. haha!
Hey, I want to see the "childAnatomy book" when I get to Big Lake that Claire got from "Donny" and Bethie! Also, inparticular, I MUST have a copy of the picture of Claire blowing out the two candles . . . priceless! Love, MOM
Happy Birthday Claire!....You little adorable cutie pie!!
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