I am sure you have never heard this on my blog before, but this week has been super busy (hence the lack of posts). The big birthday bash for the two little girls is happening this weekend, and there has been much to do.
I have been putting up decorations, little by little, all week long. With every little detail I put into place, I get another eye-roll from Carl. He thinks I am trying too hard . . . I don't think I am . . . okay maybe I am going a little overboard with a few things. But what can I say, I like parties, and I am only throwing one party for two girls . . . so I think I am entitled do a few little "something extras" for the girlies . . . okay . . . I doubt the girls would care if there are center pieces on the tables, or pictures everywhere, but I enjoy the little details of parties (and weddings and showers), that's what makes them memorable!
So I will continue to be a busy little bee right up until the first guest arrives! Call me crazy (or stupid), but I love all this cute-sie-crap!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter Happenings
We are not quite back to 100%, but we still found a way to have a great Easter break. I would catagorize our festivities as very "normal American/Christian Easter" activities - - church, eggs, bunnies, brunch, baskets, hunts - - you know, the norm :)
giving color to some dull, white eggs
giving color to some dull, white eggs

the profits of their hunt.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
keepin' it real
I have been told by a few people that my blog seems to be a little on the "shiny-happy" side where all I talk about is puppy dogs and ice cream. I have to admit, this is somewhat true. I usually try to highlight the stuff that I love about our family. I write about the stuff that I want to look back on and remember. I try not to complain about which kid is driving me nuts that day or the overwhelming yet very mundane routine which plays in our house every day. But today, I'm gonna keep it real . . . life is hard right now. Our schedule seems crazy and our illnesses are getting out of hand.
Claire is sick yet again. Two weeks ago she had a raging case of the D-word. I should have bought stock in Pampers before then, because I am sure we boosted their quarterly profit (poor thing). Her sickness dragged on for 4 days. Then it was Ella's turn with the stomach flu, which worked it's way out of both ends of her body. It was another sad (and gross) 4 days at our house. Then on Tuesday night, Claire threw up . . . a lot . . . and continued to do so all night. Yesterday was more of the same, but the poor thing had nothing left in her . . . yet her stomach kept wanting to get everything and anything out. Her little body is so empty and so exhausted that she can't stay awake for longer than one hour at a time (Carl took her in and the Dr. did some blood work, and they believe it is a virus). So we are going to try to keep pushing the fluids and pray they stay down.
I on the other hand, am suffering from the high pollen counts around here. I have never been able to decide if I have allergies or if I just always get a "cold" around the same time. But this year, there is no doubt about it. I have allergies, and they SUCK. I have bad headaches, feel super tired, hacking cough, ear pain/pressure, sinus pain/pressure, not to mention my gross nose issues. I am bowing my nose constantly. So if you see me with a boog hangin' please let me know so I can take care of it. Oh, and my voice sounds like Berry White's . . . just a lot less sexy. So if you call me and you think Carl answered the phone, think again. It's me.
Yes folks, we are in a bad way. Hopefully with the long weekend coming up, we will be able to slow life down and get some healing going on! We are very sad that we are unable to go up to Argyle to celebrate Easter, but I think laying low for the weekend is exactly what the doctor would order.
Thanks for listening to me complain. I promise I will get back to my "fairies and glitter" stories soon :)
Claire is sick yet again. Two weeks ago she had a raging case of the D-word. I should have bought stock in Pampers before then, because I am sure we boosted their quarterly profit (poor thing). Her sickness dragged on for 4 days. Then it was Ella's turn with the stomach flu, which worked it's way out of both ends of her body. It was another sad (and gross) 4 days at our house. Then on Tuesday night, Claire threw up . . . a lot . . . and continued to do so all night. Yesterday was more of the same, but the poor thing had nothing left in her . . . yet her stomach kept wanting to get everything and anything out. Her little body is so empty and so exhausted that she can't stay awake for longer than one hour at a time (Carl took her in and the Dr. did some blood work, and they believe it is a virus). So we are going to try to keep pushing the fluids and pray they stay down.
I on the other hand, am suffering from the high pollen counts around here. I have never been able to decide if I have allergies or if I just always get a "cold" around the same time. But this year, there is no doubt about it. I have allergies, and they SUCK. I have bad headaches, feel super tired, hacking cough, ear pain/pressure, sinus pain/pressure, not to mention my gross nose issues. I am bowing my nose constantly. So if you see me with a boog hangin' please let me know so I can take care of it. Oh, and my voice sounds like Berry White's . . . just a lot less sexy. So if you call me and you think Carl answered the phone, think again. It's me.
Yes folks, we are in a bad way. Hopefully with the long weekend coming up, we will be able to slow life down and get some healing going on! We are very sad that we are unable to go up to Argyle to celebrate Easter, but I think laying low for the weekend is exactly what the doctor would order.
Thanks for listening to me complain. I promise I will get back to my "fairies and glitter" stories soon :)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
these are a few of my favorite things . . .
Not to go all "Sound of Music" on you, but I wanted to dedicate this post to a few of my favorite things, which will also give you a look into our near future.
1. Spring is here! - Even though it's not my favorite season (mainly due to the brown grass, bare trees and chilly winds), I do LOVE when the snow finally melts, and the sun actually feels warm on your face. It's awesome to be able to visit our play area in the back yard again!
2. Themed birthday parities - Yes, I know I am a loser, but I love when parties have a theme. Is it more work? Yes. Is it more expensive? Yes. But I think it's worth it! My girls will only turn 6 and 2 once, and why not celebrate it in a cute way!? This year, We have decided to have a joint birthday party for Ella and Claire (who's birthdays are three weeks apart). Last year we had separate parties, and it was hard for our family members to get here for both (the closest family members are at least 45 minutes away, and all the grandparents are 4 and 5 hours away). This years theme is: April Showers bring May Flowers
3. Old downtown buildings - It's no surprise that I love downtown areas. Especially when they are full of brick buildings complete with big glass windows and adorable painted doorways (added bonus - - many of these building now house coffee shops and boutiques . . . more of my favorites)
4. Little girls in rain boots -
enough said.
5. Outdoor Photo Shoots - Taking pictures of children and families is a lot more challenging when we have to try to keep them in front of a backdrop. This warm weather will allow us to get outside again! Oh, the places we can go! Hurry up full trees and green grass! We need you :) Because of the brown situation we have going on outside at the moment, guess where I went to take some birthday photos of the two little girls? (refer to #3)
(this one makes me a little nervous . . . she looks stunningly beautiful . . . and older than 12!)
(I loved the sun-set-light in this pic)
Happy Spring Everybody!
1. Spring is here! - Even though it's not my favorite season (mainly due to the brown grass, bare trees and chilly winds), I do LOVE when the snow finally melts, and the sun actually feels warm on your face. It's awesome to be able to visit our play area in the back yard again!
2. Themed birthday parities - Yes, I know I am a loser, but I love when parties have a theme. Is it more work? Yes. Is it more expensive? Yes. But I think it's worth it! My girls will only turn 6 and 2 once, and why not celebrate it in a cute way!? This year, We have decided to have a joint birthday party for Ella and Claire (who's birthdays are three weeks apart). Last year we had separate parties, and it was hard for our family members to get here for both (the closest family members are at least 45 minutes away, and all the grandparents are 4 and 5 hours away). This years theme is: April Showers bring May Flowers
3. Old downtown buildings - It's no surprise that I love downtown areas. Especially when they are full of brick buildings complete with big glass windows and adorable painted doorways (added bonus - - many of these building now house coffee shops and boutiques . . . more of my favorites)
4. Little girls in rain boots -

enough said.
5. Outdoor Photo Shoots - Taking pictures of children and families is a lot more challenging when we have to try to keep them in front of a backdrop. This warm weather will allow us to get outside again! Oh, the places we can go! Hurry up full trees and green grass! We need you :) Because of the brown situation we have going on outside at the moment, guess where I went to take some birthday photos of the two little girls? (refer to #3)

(this one makes me a little nervous . . . she looks stunningly beautiful . . . and older than 12!)

(I loved the sun-set-light in this pic)
Happy Spring Everybody!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
two, part two
Much of April 12th was just like any other day. We got up, went to daycare, school and work, came home, went to Ella's soccer practice (first of the season), then went to bed at our usual school-night time. However, April 12th isn't just any other day. It's Claire's special day. So because of this, we tried to stir in as many "birthday extras" as we could.
Birthday Extra #1 - the girls had cake doughnuts with chocolate icing and multi-colored sprinkles for breakfast (Thanks, Grandpa Dwaine). The birthday girl ate almost two herself - - if you count just eating the tops of them :)
Birthday Extra #2 - Claire got to bring ice-cream-cone themed cupcakes to daycare to share with her friends, and also got a birthday present from Missy
Birthday Extra #3 - We got to eat dinner picnic-style at Ella's soccer practice.
Birthday Extra #4 - We celebrated with cake and ice cream before Claire opened some birthday presents. After browsing through the bakery isle at our local grocery store and checking out the price of a small birthday cake, I decided to make one instead. I knew it wouldn't be from scratch, and I knew it would not look professional, but I also knew that Claire would like it just the same. So behold, my first 8 inch round layered birthday cake!
I know it's not Cake Boss worthy, but it was challenging for me :)
. . . but then she gave in. Claire was excited to open presents from us and also from Uncle John (whom Claire calls "Donny") and Auntie Beth. This present was sent all the way from Seattle!
Even though there wasn't balloons, decorations, party hats or extended family (which there will be in a few weeks when we celebrate both Claire and Ella's birthdays together), there was a celebration of Claire, which is really all that matters in my book.
Birthday Extra #1 - the girls had cake doughnuts with chocolate icing and multi-colored sprinkles for breakfast (Thanks, Grandpa Dwaine). The birthday girl ate almost two herself - - if you count just eating the tops of them :)
Birthday Extra #2 - Claire got to bring ice-cream-cone themed cupcakes to daycare to share with her friends, and also got a birthday present from Missy
Birthday Extra #3 - We got to eat dinner picnic-style at Ella's soccer practice.
Birthday Extra #4 - We celebrated with cake and ice cream before Claire opened some birthday presents. After browsing through the bakery isle at our local grocery store and checking out the price of a small birthday cake, I decided to make one instead. I knew it wouldn't be from scratch, and I knew it would not look professional, but I also knew that Claire would like it just the same. So behold, my first 8 inch round layered birthday cake!

Make a wish
. . . but then she gave in. Claire was excited to open presents from us and also from Uncle John (whom Claire calls "Donny") and Auntie Beth. This present was sent all the way from Seattle!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Dear Claire,
I honestly cannot believe you are already two years old. I still look at you and see my baby.

Like many two-year-olds, your favorite words are "no" (sounds like "yo") and "mine". Even though you are a tiny little tot, you fight for more independence with each day. With this new independence comes challenges for me and new horizons for you.
I love your funny sense of humor, your curious eyes, the way your hair still curls at the ends, your love for the outdoors, your caring heart, the way you copy your sisters, your girly love for footwear, how you still cuddle into "your spot", but above all . . . I love you . . . more than you will ever be able to comprehend.

Happy Birthday, sweetheart! We can't wait to see what this year has in store for you!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
weekend rewind
We had a very busy weekend, but also a very fun one! We started out the weekend by going to Gasthof's in Minneapolis. Carl's best friend, Dorf came to town for the Frozen Four hockey tournament. Unfortunately, the Sioux lost to Michigan (tear . . . ), but we still whooped it up with 2 Das Boots, accordion music and a whole lotta German meat!
I needed a drink after a long week . . .
oh, das boot . . . so nice to see you again.
Our beloved Dorf, drinkin' er down
I don't forget my roots . . . I'm an "East Sider" at heart :)
Dorf's meal . . . three feet of meat!. If he would have finished it, he would have gotten a free tee shirt and a certificate (that same certificate also serves as a VIP ticket to the emergency room when your colon blows up)

This guy was an amaizing musician . . . really!
his fingers really moved that fast!
Two old friends made a new friend

Saturday was dedicated to two special Nieces. Our niece Taryn turned 5 and our niece Annika turned 1! Thankfully, we were able to make it to both parties.
Taryn wanted a surprise party, so that's what she got :)
Whew! A busy weekend followed by a busy week . . . someone in our house has a birthday on Tuesday . . . stay tuned!
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- Anne
- ...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)