But then came another First. I have been wondering what to do with Claire's hair for the past couple of weeks. Her "bangs", if not held over by a clip, are starting to fall into her big batting eyelashes. Her baby-curls in the back are starting to resemble a mullet. Do I cut? Do I leave be? I can't make up my mind. So today, I swept her half-curly-half-straight baby mullet into her very first full-pony-tail.
It barley fit, but there it was.

The first of many pony-tails that will be in her hair. When I stopped my morning routine long enough to admire her new do, she didn't look like the same toddler I had scooped up out of her crib just moments before. She was a girl. A big girl. (the only thing making her look more like a baby is that dang passie!)
She is growing up way too fast!! How do I slow life down!?!
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