This past Monday night marked the beginning of another Dance season. For the past three January's, we have signed Ella up for a combination Dance class at Jennifer's Dance Centre. This year instead of just learning about Ballet and Tap, Ella's new class will also be teaching Jazz. With this new Jazz ability will also come another performance at this Spring's Dance Recital. Ella is already looking forward to this Dance Recital because after completing a third year of Dance, she will receive a trophy on stage!! I have tried to down-play the whole trophy thing because I think kids worry too much about ribbons, trophies and medals . . . but she can't stop thinking about it!
I am a little embarrassed to admit that a small part of me has been dreading going back to Dance. Not only is it yet another thing to add to our schedule, but it is also pretty expensive. But Ella adores it . . . so how could I deprive her of this:

Warming up and stretching out...where did she get that flexibility from? Certainly not her mother!

What would dance class be without Miss Mette?! Oh, they have so much fun.

I love how these two girls just decided to sit down in the middle of class and fix their hair :)

Yes, Monday nights will be busy, but it's so worth it in the end!
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