Thursday, March 17, 2011

the sound of music

On Tuesday night, I was off to another one of Jocie's activities. Only this time, it wasn't for athletics but instead for music.

The musical world is a little foreign to me. Yes, I have an ipod that I listen to when I run and we listen to the radio in the car, but for me, that's the extent of my musical knowledge.

A couple of Music Facts about Anne:

1. I played the clarinet for exactly one month before I hit that damn thing up against my bed frame out of frustration . . . and then quit the next day.

2. I was the only girl in my 5th grade class that did NOT join Choir.

3. I sound like a dying cow when I try to sing.

4. That being said, I really wish I could sing well, and admire people who can.

5. My dad would always laugh when he would attend my elementary music concerts because he said that I looked like I was marching to my death every time I walked out on stage.

6. I hardly ever sing for real . . . not even in church.

7. The only people that have ever heard me sing for real are my kids . . . and I usually stop singing them lullabies when they are at the age when they can hold a real conversation ( . . . maybe because I'm afraid they will tell me how bad I sound . . . )

Anyhoo, the musical event I attended was Jocie's Jazz Band Concert. She plays the trumpet and usually plays in the regular 6th grade band. But for something different, she decided to join the Jazz Band too.

I had never attended a Jazz Band Concert before. I must admit, there was a part of me that was waiting for Ron Burgundy to jump out from behind the curtain and play his Jazz Flute for us.


Ron never showed up, but I did get to hear a lot of talented young musicians. Sure there were a few squeaks and off tune horns every now and then, but what is a middle school concert without that?!

Jocie's group got to preform the coolest song of the night - - Low Rider


Photobucket (There's my girl in the top left corner, waving to her mother - - - or to her friends that were sitting a few rows behind me)



She did great, and I was glad to see that I had created a child that has some musical sense. I can only hope the next two do as well!

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About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)