For those of you who keep up with this blog, or have talked to me in the last few weeks, you know what a whirlwind of a Fall we have had. From illness to illness, it just seems to keep coming. Well . . . we just had another curve ball thrown in our direction.
About a week ago while I was giving Ella a bath, I noticed a bump protruding out of her neck right where an Adam's Apple would be. While feeling it, my stomach did an instant somersault because what I was feeling could only be described as . . .a lump. This word is often associated with very dangerous medical findings. I tried to tell myself that it was probably just a swollen lymph node or gland, and to not be a "crazy hypochondriac" mother, but I couldn't help but worry about . . . I can't even say it . . . but it starts with a C.
I called our doctor the very next day and scheduled an appointment for that afternoon. While I was teaching, I was a ball of nerves, wondering if I could have caught this sooner. The thoughts were screaming through my mind as if someone was yelling in my ear with a bull horn. That appointment couldn't come soon enough.
When the doctor was examining her, he immediately said that since it wasn't a hard lump, it didn't worry him (WHEW!!!). I felt the million pound weight lift off my shoulders and immediately vowed never to take my children's good health for granted ever again! Although the lump did not seem dangerous, he was still referring us on to an Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, to look into it further.
Two appointments with an ENT and one ultrasound later, we found out that Ella has a Thyroglossal Duct Cyst. Unfortunately it can't just be drained like other cysts, because it would just redevelop, so it will need to be surgically removed. The cyst is also connected to a duct and part of her hyoid bone, so all of those things will need to be taken out as well. It all sounds a little scary, but the doctor assured me that patients do very well with this procedure and are back to normal in about 2 weeks.
I have never had to experience what it is like to have a child in surgery. I would be lying if I told you that I wasn't nervous about it all. But I can tell you one thing for sure, I will take a surgery over the worst-case-scenario ANY DAY!
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- Anne
- ...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)
Oh Man, Anne- you are wonderwoman. Ella will be a star through the surgery, however not any less hard for you. Hang in there- the sun will shine again SOON! Your girls are so lucky to have you as their Mama!
To my dear friend Anne...oh the feelings go both ways! We love having your family in our lives! I look forward to Many Many more years of laughter, eating good food, drinking..well anything we want, lots of dancing, talking for hours, bitch sessions about anything we choose, watching out kids grow up into amazing teenagers and adults, and anything else that comes our way! We are blessed to have you all in our lives! Thank you for the photo shoot....Mette is wondering when you will come over with your camera again and she has offically blocked off an area of the living room for her and Ella's concerts- the "Jackie Robins" are going to hit it big some day! Love you!
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