The horses didn't think much of my camera. Every time that flash went off, they scattered a little. Grandpa thought it was because they thought the flash sounded like the electric fence. Star, the horse with the white spot on her forehead, wasn't scared after awhile. She actually was very curious about what was going on. You will notice in many of the photos, she is looking directly into my lens. She's no chicken!
. . . see what I mean :)
Jocie loves every minute in the saddle, and has become quite a rider. Carl told me that she is a better rider than he ever was at her age. He beamed with pride while he bragged about her skills. Their love for horses is something they will always share.
On Sunday, while Carl, Jocie and Grandpa Adolphson headed out for a trail ride by Old Mill State Park, I headed off to East Grand Forks. The little girls decided to stay in Argyle with Grandma. I hadn't been home since Christmas, and I hadn't seen my little nephew, Myles since Claire's birthday, so I wanted to get in a little visit.
On the way from Argyle to EGF, I couldn't help but admire the view. Most people maybe wouldn't think this flat farm land was particularly picturesque, but I have to disagree. I have come to appreciate it's fertile soil and straight tree rows, big green combines and neatly rolled hay bails. It is home, and I love it.
For some reason, I felt like I had to pop in my 90's music CD as a neared my hometown. I don't know if it's because it reminds me of my school days, but it seemed fitting to hear "Paradise City" (coincidence? I think not.) by Guns N Roses basting out of my mini van speakers as I rolled into East Side.
My first stop was my dad's house. He made his specialty eggs for my homecoming brunch. It was nice to be able to sit and visit with my dad and Barb (quietly). After brunch we headed to Jessy's new townhouse so I could catch up with her and hang out with Myles.
I got many smiles from Myles . . . until the camera came out. When that happened, he was pretty serious. He is so blasted cute, it makes no difference if he is smiling or not. The camera (and his aunt Annie) loves him!
Although this weekend was busy, all the hours in the van was worth it to be able to hang out with family. There is nothing better than that.
1 comment:
I love that you "blasted" GNR in the mini van :)
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