This past weekend was Ella's 2nd annual Dance Recital. The weekend event started out with a rehearsal on Saturday morning. I packed up activities and snacks for both Ella and Claire because I knew it would be a long morning at the performing arts center. I was a little nervous to bring Claire. Being a walker now, I knew she wouldn't want to sit for very long. She pleasantly surprised me the first hour. She sat on my lap and stared in wonder at all the activity happening on stage. She was amazed by the music and loved to watch all the girls dance.

When it came time for Ella's first number, she was all business. She had her game-face on and was intently listening to her teacher's instructions.

Mette (the dancer to the left) is her best buddy. They love to take dance together, and also love to play together whenever they get a chance. For as young as they are, they really play well together! As you can see, Mette has this pose nailed! :)

Mette is wondering what the girl on the right is doing. She was obviously off :)

Ella was grovin' during the "free style" portion of the routine

In between their dance numbers, Ella and Mette got a chance to hang out, dance, and be silly. I know I am bias, but they are dang cute!!

They even took some time to dance with Claire

Sunday was the big day. Ella was very excited, but also told me she was a little nervous for so many people to be watching her. I assured her that it was going to be very fun and not scary at all. . . . even though I would be scared out of my mind I if were in her position :) Being a born performer, I knew she would handle it much better than I would.
We were instructed to curl our dancer's hair and put it in a half pony-tail . . . check. We were also instructed to put make-up on our dancers . . . which I didn't do. I just cannot justify putting make-up my 5 year-old. But, let me tell you, I am pretty sure that Ella and Mette were the only girls there without make-up on! I learned one thing this weekend - - I am NOT a stage mom!!

Here is Ella's ballet class right before going on stage

The tutus were a flutter as they danced to a song called "Pixie Dust". It was a darling performance. It was so fun watching these girls soak up the stage and enjoy the spot light.
Ella is in the front row center

Ballerinas in motion

After the ballet number, I rushed back stage to change Ella into her Cowgirl costume for her tap number. It was so fun to see how proud she was of her performance, and how excited she was to get back on stage. She was especially excited to do the Cowgirl number because she knows how much her daddy likes cowgirls! :) She didn't show him any of the moves to that dance because she wanted it to be a surprise.

The Cowgirl dance did not disappoint. When the curtain drew back, and audience "ahhhhhhhhh"ed at how cute they looked. It was adorable, and Ella danced flawlessly. She nailed every move and did so with style. She was all smiles and so were we.
Ella in the front row center

I only got one decent shot of this dance because my lighting was all off :(
Then came the big final dance. They called every dancer back on stage along with their coaches for one more number. Ella was shaking and smiling along with the best of them. We couldn't have been more proud!
Ella was front and center . . . as always.

After her big day, Ella was excited to be showered with flowers from not only her family, but also her daycare provider, Missy, who also came to watch her dance. She felt pretty important.

Even though it was a busy weekend with long rehearsals and performances (3 hours each day), it was all worth it to see Ella dancing on center stage. She can't wait for next year's recital.
A. Dor. A. Ble!!
Plus, I'm proud of you for standing up to those stage moms and not doing the make-up thing. I hear people talk about that and CANNOT BELIEVE they would do that to their kids!! (sore subject) :)
Ella! You're a STAR!
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