When putting Ella to bed the night before her birthday, she instructed me to wake her up by saying, "wake up birthday girl!" Little did Ella know that waking her up with that sweet greeting would only be the beginning of her special day.
As soon as we uttered those first birthday wishes, a little smile rolled across her face before her eyes had a chance to open (which is quite opposite of the norm). I revealed that we had a birthday surprise waiting for her in the kitchen. She shot right out of bed and pranced towards the kitchen.
This was her first sight.

She learned how to ride without training-wheels about a month ago, and her old bike was getting a little small, so she got this new (to her) bike. This is the third year in a row she has gotten a bike for her birthday. Thank goodness the novelty has not worn off.

We knew we wouldn't be able to enjoy birthday cake until her party on Saturday, so instead we sung the familiar birthday tune over this birthday doughnut.

From the looks of it, a doughnut works just as well as cake!

Claire didn't understand what all the fuss was about . . .

Then it was time for presents. One gift bag was from her sisters and the big one was from mom and dad. It seemed to be a magical bag. Like a Magician during a magic show, she just kept pulling one surprise after another out of that bag!

First was the vacuum cleaner. What five-year-old wouldn't want a vacuum cleaner . . . ? I don't know, but she did ask for one.

Next was Belle, her favorite of all the Disney Princesses

She continued by pulling out a new dining room table and accessories for her Barbie House. Finally the Barbies have somewhere to eat . . . even though Barbie looks like she's been on a strict no
carb diet since her early teens.

She also pulled out a sticker book, a swimming suit, and a new sparkly top to wear at her party. But which one was her favorite? No, not the bike. Not the Princess. It was the vacuum cleaner! This coming from the girl who still throws hour long fits when I ask her to clean her room. Go figure.

After her amazing morning, she got to bring cupcakes to daycare, and then got to go to a Twins game with her daddy. All-in-all, a pretty awesome 5th birthday! And she still has her party to look forward to tomorrow. Sheesh, what a lucky little girl!
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