It's official! We closed today! We are no longer homeless! We own a home! . . . I mean two homes . . . omigosh I think I am going to be sick.
On with the painting and carpeting! Soon to come . . . moving day(s)
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Friday, July 19, 2013
birthday boy!
I know. You don't even have to scold me about it. I never blog anymore. Yes. I know.
I don't have to tell you how crazy my life is right now. We are homeless. I am jobless. And I haven't blogged since before we moved.
All that aside . . . my boy turned one today. I can't believe it. My baby is a baby no more (however, my dad told me that he's still a baby until he turns two - which made me feel sooooo much better).
Carter has not made our life easier, but he has made our life so much better in so many ways! He has completed our family. He has made me . . . complete.
I promise to have more photos . . . soon (and I am going to use the term "soon" very loosely). But for now, I give you my birthday boy!
I don't have to tell you how crazy my life is right now. We are homeless. I am jobless. And I haven't blogged since before we moved.
All that aside . . . my boy turned one today. I can't believe it. My baby is a baby no more (however, my dad told me that he's still a baby until he turns two - which made me feel sooooo much better).
Carter has not made our life easier, but he has made our life so much better in so many ways! He has completed our family. He has made me . . . complete.
I promise to have more photos . . . soon (and I am going to use the term "soon" very loosely). But for now, I give you my birthday boy!
We love him . . . more than we love cake!! :)
Thursday, June 20, 2013
I can barely believe it, even as I write it, but I have spent almost 1/3 of my life living in Big Lake.
As many of you know, I was raised (mostly) in East Grand Forks, MN. Then after graduating from college and getting married, Carl and I set out to live in Colorado. Even though we loved it there, we felt as though we were too far from our families, so we decided to move back to MN only 1 short year later. We landed in this area for the sole reason that I found a job teaching Elementary Physical Education at Pinewood Elementary in Monticello, MN. We thought it would be a great location because it was close to Minneapolis and also closer to our families.
When we moved here I was 24, Carl was 26 and Jocie was 5. It was 9 years ago, and it feels like only yesterday. 9 years! Wow.
We are so excited to be moving back home to East Grand Forks because that's exactly what it is - home. It's always felt like home, and it will always be home.
But I cannot ignore the fact (anymore) that Big Lake/Monticello/St. Michael has been our home in many ways.
As many of you know, I was raised (mostly) in East Grand Forks, MN. Then after graduating from college and getting married, Carl and I set out to live in Colorado. Even though we loved it there, we felt as though we were too far from our families, so we decided to move back to MN only 1 short year later. We landed in this area for the sole reason that I found a job teaching Elementary Physical Education at Pinewood Elementary in Monticello, MN. We thought it would be a great location because it was close to Minneapolis and also closer to our families.
When we moved here I was 24, Carl was 26 and Jocie was 5. It was 9 years ago, and it feels like only yesterday. 9 years! Wow.
We are so excited to be moving back home to East Grand Forks because that's exactly what it is - home. It's always felt like home, and it will always be home.
But I cannot ignore the fact (anymore) that Big Lake/Monticello/St. Michael has been our home in many ways.
Jocie started school here - our first year here was her Kindergarten year
We bought our first (and only) home here
Carl and I have taught almost every year of our careers here
Carl and I both earned our Masters degrees here
We have met, worked with and developed friendships with some outstanding educators
When we came here we were a family of 3 and now we are a family of 6
This has been Ella's only home
This has been Claire's only home
This has been Carter's only home
We have met some AMAZING people that are more like family than they are like friends
So even though we believe with our whole hearts that we belong in East Grand Forks with our families and Carl's new job, it is with sad hearts that we have to say good-bye to our lives here. Even though our roots didn't grow as deep in this community as we thought they would, we still had 9 years of living, growing, laughing, learning, and loving.
I am going to try not to be sad that it's over, but be happy that it all happened.
If you know me, you know that I do not say "good-bye", I only say "see you later". Thanks Big Lake-Monticello-St. Michael ~ you have been an awesome home away from home. I can't thank the uber-close friends enough that I have built unforgettable relationships with and will continue to stay close with. We love you guys!
If you know me, you know that I do not say "good-bye", I only say "see you later". Thanks Big Lake-Monticello-St. Michael ~ you have been an awesome home away from home. I can't thank the uber-close friends enough that I have built unforgettable relationships with and will continue to stay close with. We love you guys!
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
eight & nine
Things are crazy. Things are crazy. Things are crazy.
As usual, we have way to much going on. Making a major life-changing move? Check. New jobs for both Carl and I? Check. Me applying for said jobs? Check. Trying to launch a new photography business? Check. Trying to pack up a house that has 9 years of stuff (from 6 different people) in it? Check. Trying to find a house big enough for our family, but cheap enough for our budget in a tight, over-priced market? Check. Trying to find a renter for our house? Check. Driving up north (4-5 hour trips one one) every other weekend for various reasons? Check. Busiest month of the school year? Check. Four kids to take care of? Check. Jocie's track meets? Check. Ella's softball practices and soon games? Check. Trying not to kill each other? Check. Celebrating Ella's 8th birthday?? CHECK!! :)
We are so happy to take a break from our mad life to celebrate Ella's 8th year of life!! What can I tell you about Ella that you don't already know? She's energetic. She's musically talented. She athletically gifted. She makes friends really easily. She's happy. She sings all. the. time. She's spunky. She's an awesome big sister. She's beautiful. She's an all-around-fabulous kid and we are so blessed to call her ours.
And better late than never, let's take a peek at Carter's 9 month stats!
Once Carter realized he was wearing basketball gear, this was his reaction. What can I say? This is photographic proof that he would rather play hockey.
As usual, we have way to much going on. Making a major life-changing move? Check. New jobs for both Carl and I? Check. Me applying for said jobs? Check. Trying to launch a new photography business? Check. Trying to pack up a house that has 9 years of stuff (from 6 different people) in it? Check. Trying to find a house big enough for our family, but cheap enough for our budget in a tight, over-priced market? Check. Trying to find a renter for our house? Check. Driving up north (4-5 hour trips one one) every other weekend for various reasons? Check. Busiest month of the school year? Check. Four kids to take care of? Check. Jocie's track meets? Check. Ella's softball practices and soon games? Check. Trying not to kill each other? Check. Celebrating Ella's 8th birthday?? CHECK!! :)
We are so happy to take a break from our mad life to celebrate Ella's 8th year of life!! What can I tell you about Ella that you don't already know? She's energetic. She's musically talented. She athletically gifted. She makes friends really easily. She's happy. She sings all. the. time. She's spunky. She's an awesome big sister. She's beautiful. She's an all-around-fabulous kid and we are so blessed to call her ours.
And better late than never, let's take a peek at Carter's 9 month stats!
Weight: 24 lbs
Clothes size - 12-18 months
Diaper size - 4
Number of teeth: 2
Milestones: rolling over, sitting up and clapping his hands
LOVES - flirting with all ladies, clapping, smiling, playing with toys with wheels, going for stroller rides, being outside in general, watching Mario and Missy's dogs at daycare, laughing, tubby time, "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" story book, nursing, eating "puffs", and sleeping with mom and dad
Once Carter realized he was wearing basketball gear, this was his reaction. What can I say? This is photographic proof that he would rather play hockey.
I hope you enjoyed this post - - because I hate to say it - - they may be few and far in between. But don't lose faith in me! I will try my best to update when ever physically possible!! :)
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Big Changes!
If you are a friend or family member, then you already know our big news . . . if you're just a random blog stalker- then hold on to your socks! The Adolphson's are moving home!!
Carl has accepted the High School Principal job at Sacred Heart Catholic School in East Grand Forks, MN! As you know, EGF is my home town, for which I have always had a major soft spot for. It's home. It has always felt like home, and from this summer until forever more, it will be HOME to all of us :) Although we have made some incredible friends here, who will be dearly missed, we can't ignore the fact that nothing is more important then being close to family and feeling settled and content in the town in which you live.
WAY more on that to come . . . but I have another change to throw your way . . . because of said move, I will be branching out on my own and starting up my own photography business! There is no way I can give it up now . . . I am obsessed. So, for the past few weeks, I have been busy brainstorming as well as trying to get a few things set up - so I can attempt to have a smooth transition.
Family members - please click on the "Client" tab and select "Claire+Carter". Enter "adolphson" (case sensitive) as the password. You will be able to view Claire's 4 year old photos as well as Carter's 9 month old photos. If you click on the main (big) photo, you will be able to view a large image - then you can click on the "next" button that will appear in the upper left corner of the image to view the next photo - that way you can scroll through all of them. On the bottom right you will see an image number (i.e. 3/28 which is photo 3 of 28 total). Please text me with which photos you like and in what size.
I still have to blog and post pictures of Carter's 9th month . . . lots going on! Stay tuned! :)
Get ready East Grand Forks! The Adolphson's are coming, and there's nothing you can do about it!!
Carl has accepted the High School Principal job at Sacred Heart Catholic School in East Grand Forks, MN! As you know, EGF is my home town, for which I have always had a major soft spot for. It's home. It has always felt like home, and from this summer until forever more, it will be HOME to all of us :) Although we have made some incredible friends here, who will be dearly missed, we can't ignore the fact that nothing is more important then being close to family and feeling settled and content in the town in which you live.
WAY more on that to come . . . but I have another change to throw your way . . . because of said move, I will be branching out on my own and starting up my own photography business! There is no way I can give it up now . . . I am obsessed. So, for the past few weeks, I have been busy brainstorming as well as trying to get a few things set up - so I can attempt to have a smooth transition.
Behold! Click has arrived!

Please view my new website (but forgive me, because it is a work-in-progress)
Family members - please click on the "Client" tab and select "Claire+Carter". Enter "adolphson" (case sensitive) as the password. You will be able to view Claire's 4 year old photos as well as Carter's 9 month old photos. If you click on the main (big) photo, you will be able to view a large image - then you can click on the "next" button that will appear in the upper left corner of the image to view the next photo - that way you can scroll through all of them. On the bottom right you will see an image number (i.e. 3/28 which is photo 3 of 28 total). Please text me with which photos you like and in what size.
I still have to blog and post pictures of Carter's 9th month . . . lots going on! Stay tuned! :)
Get ready East Grand Forks! The Adolphson's are coming, and there's nothing you can do about it!!
Monday, April 15, 2013
Claire-Bear has turned 4! She tells everyone she knows, "Hey! Did you know that I am foe-wa now?!!"
I love the way Claire makes us all laugh! I love her spirit! I love the way she loves to pretend.I love her boisterous laugh! I love when she says, "Look mama! I can do it by-by (meaning "all by") myself! I love her song writing abilities! Here is a snip-it of her musical style:
"Cow-ta (Carter) yooooou don't need to cry, because maaaaaama will be coming right back. I loooooove you because you aw (are) my brover (brother). Heeeeeeere you can play with this tooooooy. Do yoooooou know that I like play on the ipaaaaad? Iiiiiiiit is so much fun for meeeeee. Eeeeeeeella is you sista tooooooo. Sheeeee is reawy (really) niiiiiiiice. But Iiiiiiiiiiiii do not like when she gets maaaaad at meee."
I could do without her frustration meltdowns. This little girl seriously needs anger management. Have you ever seen the movie "Water Boy"? If so, you know what I am talking about. But, she comes from a long line of people without patience and people with short fuses . . . so I guess we will just continue to work through it. :)
Claire, we love you to the moon and back (or in her mind, to Argyle and back . . . to her, nothing is as further away as Argyle)! You are the little spark plug in our family and we love you for it!
Oh, and I never got a chance to blog about Easter . . . so here are a couple of snap shots :)
Family members - there will be a gallery set up of all Claire's 4 year old photos as well as Carter's 9 months photos . . . those are still to come :)
I love the way Claire makes us all laugh! I love her spirit! I love the way she loves to pretend.I love her boisterous laugh! I love when she says, "Look mama! I can do it by-by (meaning "all by") myself! I love her song writing abilities! Here is a snip-it of her musical style:
"Cow-ta (Carter) yooooou don't need to cry, because maaaaaama will be coming right back. I loooooove you because you aw (are) my brover (brother). Heeeeeeere you can play with this tooooooy. Do yoooooou know that I like play on the ipaaaaad? Iiiiiiiit is so much fun for meeeeee. Eeeeeeeella is you sista tooooooo. Sheeeee is reawy (really) niiiiiiiice. But Iiiiiiiiiiiii do not like when she gets maaaaad at meee."
I could do without her frustration meltdowns. This little girl seriously needs anger management. Have you ever seen the movie "Water Boy"? If so, you know what I am talking about. But, she comes from a long line of people without patience and people with short fuses . . . so I guess we will just continue to work through it. :)
Claire, we love you to the moon and back (or in her mind, to Argyle and back . . . to her, nothing is as further away as Argyle)! You are the little spark plug in our family and we love you for it!
Oh, and I never got a chance to blog about Easter . . . so here are a couple of snap shots :)
Carters first Easter!
Family members - there will be a gallery set up of all Claire's 4 year old photos as well as Carter's 9 months photos . . . those are still to come :)
Friday, March 29, 2013
truckin' along
Carter is 8 months!?! Unreal.
If the last time you saw him was before he turned 5 months ( know who you are.....:), then when you see him again, he will seem like a brand new baby! He's pleasant. He's content. He's fat. He's smiley. He's pretty spoiled (but I guess that's always been the case). He's sitting. He's jumping in his jumper. He's eating baby food like nobody's business. I guess you could say that he's just plain awesome.
If the last time you saw him was before he turned 5 months ( know who you are.....:), then when you see him again, he will seem like a brand new baby! He's pleasant. He's content. He's fat. He's smiley. He's pretty spoiled (but I guess that's always been the case). He's sitting. He's jumping in his jumper. He's eating baby food like nobody's business. I guess you could say that he's just plain awesome.
Carter's 8 Month Stats:
Weight: 22 lbs
Clothes size: most 9 month stuff, all 12 month stuff
Diaper Size: 4
Physical Accomplishments: rolls over, sits up
Teeth: 2
Food Eaten: Rice cereal, Baby oatmeal, sweet potatoes, yams, carrots, peas, green beans, avocado, apples, pears, and bananas
LOVES - books, toys of all kinds but especially "boy toys" - airplanes, trains, cars, trucks, snow mobile, etc - eating, nursing, jumping in his jumper, sleeping with mom and dad, his sisters, playing peek-a-boo, riding on mom's hip and wrestling with dad
Here's to another great month!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
7 months and stuff...
Yes, it's been a while. I would tell you how busy we've been, but I am sure you're sick of that excuse. So, without further ado....
Did I mention that we went up to Maple Lake to stay with my mom for President's Day weekend?! Sheesh. This post is over due!
Carter's 7 Months Stats:
Weight - 21 lbs.
Clothes Size - some 6-9 mo., most 9 mo., some 9-12mo., and some 12 mo.
Diaper size - 4
Teeth - 2
Loves: Smiling, laughing when anyone scares him or says "boo!", chewing on stuff, FOOD (including - breast milk, bananas, pears, baby oatmeal, rice cereal, avocado, carrots, and sweet potatoes), wrestling with dad, cuddling and being held by mom, toys that make the crunching noise, books, his sisters (especially Ella), baths and "playing ball"
HATES: car trips, being in his car set, being away from mom, sleeping in his crib for longer than a few hours and being bottle fed.
Although we are excited to feel warmer temps and see longer days around here, we had some fun after a snow storm a few weeks ago. Observe.
Did I mention that we went up to Maple Lake to stay with my mom for President's Day weekend?! Sheesh. This post is over due!
It's official. We have to get up there more often!
Have a great week!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
"love is a battlefield"
One year ago today, I had the worst scare of my life. I was at school, just sitting down to answer a few emails after finishing a long day of work, and something horrible happened. I was 11 1/2 weeks pregnant and I knew what was happening . . . I felt my whole world crash down. I made a few quick phone calls - one to the school nurse, then a friend to help, and the last was to Carl . . . to break him the bad news.
After a rush to the E.R., an overly emotional hour of tests and exams, many prayers, and lots of tears, we found out through an ultrasound . . . . that he was still with me! Heart rate, normal. Size, normal. We couldn't believe it, after what we had just witnessed. There he was on the screen - jumping all over the place! Not a care in the world :)
That day marked the first day of our "journey" to have our sweet baby boy. My little lovey put me through three weeks of strict bed rest and then on to modified bed rest for the next 20 weeks. We made trips to countless doctors and specialists to find out what we were truly dealing with . . . a journey we were not expecting. He put me through a hard pregnancy, an even harder birth and recovery, was stripped of my baby-making organs, had to learn how to care for a preemie and ultimately - - colic - - for 5 1/2 months. But the truth is, we have a deep and unbreakable bond because of all the hard times we have been through together. I could not imagine my life without this little miracle and would do all of it again in a heartbeat.
But . . . Sweet little Carter, I have three words for you . . . . You. Owe. Me.
That's right buddy boy. When mommy gets old and can't take care of herself anymore, guess who's gonna step in? You already sent me to a nursing home (four weeks before delivery), and I can assure you, I am not going back. You know the bladder surgery I had to have because of your renegade placenta? That may have some unfortunate ramifications for you to deal with in the future. Oh, my boy, we are going to have such a happy life together! I hope you marry well :)
After a rush to the E.R., an overly emotional hour of tests and exams, many prayers, and lots of tears, we found out through an ultrasound . . . . that he was still with me! Heart rate, normal. Size, normal. We couldn't believe it, after what we had just witnessed. There he was on the screen - jumping all over the place! Not a care in the world :)
That day marked the first day of our "journey" to have our sweet baby boy. My little lovey put me through three weeks of strict bed rest and then on to modified bed rest for the next 20 weeks. We made trips to countless doctors and specialists to find out what we were truly dealing with . . . a journey we were not expecting. He put me through a hard pregnancy, an even harder birth and recovery, was stripped of my baby-making organs, had to learn how to care for a preemie and ultimately - - colic - - for 5 1/2 months. But the truth is, we have a deep and unbreakable bond because of all the hard times we have been through together. I could not imagine my life without this little miracle and would do all of it again in a heartbeat.
But . . . Sweet little Carter, I have three words for you . . . . You. Owe. Me.
That's right buddy boy. When mommy gets old and can't take care of herself anymore, guess who's gonna step in? You already sent me to a nursing home (four weeks before delivery), and I can assure you, I am not going back. You know the bladder surgery I had to have because of your renegade placenta? That may have some unfortunate ramifications for you to deal with in the future. Oh, my boy, we are going to have such a happy life together! I hope you marry well :)
Monday, February 11, 2013
Lovey Dovey
I love my family! Even when they drive me crazy. I still love them beyond words!
I wish I could further gush about my true loves, but at the moment, I am too upset that we actually have school today. The "weather terrorists" (AKA weather men and women of the Twin Cities) blew another "winter storm" out of proportion . . . my hopes were so so high that yesterday's storm was going to spill over in to today, that I am literally mad right now. Mad at mother nature for dumping all that awesome snow on a SUNDAY instead of a weekday. Mad at the false "snow is going to continue to fall throughout the night coupled with high winds" forecast. Mad at MNDOT for being so prepared for every storm and clearing the roads of every snowflake that falls in record time. Basically just mad at the world. I suppose you can say that I have, "a bad case of the Mondays".
If you're in a bad mood along with me, hopefully these Valentine's will brighten your Monday:
Happy Valentine's Week!
I wish I could further gush about my true loves, but at the moment, I am too upset that we actually have school today. The "weather terrorists" (AKA weather men and women of the Twin Cities) blew another "winter storm" out of proportion . . . my hopes were so so high that yesterday's storm was going to spill over in to today, that I am literally mad right now. Mad at mother nature for dumping all that awesome snow on a SUNDAY instead of a weekday. Mad at the false "snow is going to continue to fall throughout the night coupled with high winds" forecast. Mad at MNDOT for being so prepared for every storm and clearing the roads of every snowflake that falls in record time. Basically just mad at the world. I suppose you can say that I have, "a bad case of the Mondays".
If you're in a bad mood along with me, hopefully these Valentine's will brighten your Monday:
Happy Valentine's Week!
Monday, February 4, 2013
pros and cons
Being back to work isn't all bad (see what I'm doing there....trying to talk myself into it.) I wanted to share some of my favorite (and not so favorite) work related moments.
1. "Mrs. A, you're back! I missed you every day you were gone." - 1st grade student
2. "It's so great to see your smiling face back in the building" - coworker
3. "You are so beautiful" - Kindergartner and new favorite student
4. (being yelled through the hallway) "Did you see Mrs. A?!? She's back! She's back!!" - 3rd grade student
With everything good, must come the bad . . .
1. "Mrs. A, is that you in this picture? (referring to my school photo badge) You look waaaaaaay younger in this picture than you do now" - - this photo was taken only last year... - 2nd grade student (my new least favorite student)
2. Being judged for being a working mother - "I just don't know how you working mothers do it. I didn't go back to work until all my babies were in school. I just didn't have the heart to leave them with someone else all day long!" - . . . . seriously?!?
3. Having a student wet their pants during class, not tell me about it, proceed to play until I see the puddle . . . then noticed all the tracks from the kids running through it . . . gross.
Oh the joys of working outside the home. At least I get to come home to this:
Happy Monday Everyone!
1. "Mrs. A, you're back! I missed you every day you were gone." - 1st grade student
2. "It's so great to see your smiling face back in the building" - coworker
3. "You are so beautiful" - Kindergartner and new favorite student
4. (being yelled through the hallway) "Did you see Mrs. A?!? She's back! She's back!!" - 3rd grade student
With everything good, must come the bad . . .
1. "Mrs. A, is that you in this picture? (referring to my school photo badge) You look waaaaaaay younger in this picture than you do now" - - this photo was taken only last year... - 2nd grade student (my new least favorite student)
2. Being judged for being a working mother - "I just don't know how you working mothers do it. I didn't go back to work until all my babies were in school. I just didn't have the heart to leave them with someone else all day long!" - . . . . seriously?!?
3. Having a student wet their pants during class, not tell me about it, proceed to play until I see the puddle . . . then noticed all the tracks from the kids running through it . . . gross.
Oh the joys of working outside the home. At least I get to come home to this:
Happy Monday Everyone!
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- Anne
- ...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)