Friday, March 29, 2013

truckin' along

Carter is 8 months!?! Unreal.

If the last time you saw him was before he turned 5 months ( know who you are.....:), then when you see him again, he will seem like a brand new baby! He's pleasant. He's content. He's fat. He's smiley. He's pretty spoiled (but I guess that's always been the case). He's sitting. He's jumping in his jumper. He's eating baby food like nobody's business. I guess you could say that he's just plain awesome.

Carter's 8 Month Stats:

Weight: 22 lbs
Clothes size: most 9 month stuff, all 12 month stuff
Diaper Size: 4
Physical Accomplishments: rolls over, sits up 
Teeth: 2
Food Eaten: Rice cereal, Baby oatmeal, sweet potatoes, yams, carrots, peas, green beans, avocado, apples, pears, and bananas


LOVES - books, toys of all kinds but especially "boy toys" - airplanes, trains, cars, trucks, snow mobile, etc - eating, nursing, jumping in his jumper, sleeping with mom and dad, his sisters, playing peek-a-boo, riding on mom's hip and wrestling with dad

HATES - sleeping in his crib for longer than a couple of hours, car rides and male strangers


Here's to another great month!

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About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)