Sunday, March 3, 2013

7 months and stuff...

Yes, it's been a while. I would tell you how busy we've been, but I am sure you're sick of that excuse. So, without further ado....

Carter's 7 Months Stats:
Weight - 21 lbs.
Clothes Size - some 6-9 mo., most 9 mo., some 9-12mo., and some 12 mo.
Diaper size - 4
Teeth - 2
Loves: Smiling, laughing when anyone scares him or says "boo!", chewing on stuff, FOOD (including - breast milk, bananas, pears, baby oatmeal, rice cereal, avocado, carrots, and sweet potatoes), wrestling with dad, cuddling and being held by mom, toys that make the crunching noise, books, his sisters (especially Ella), baths and "playing ball"
HATES: car trips, being in his car set, being away from mom, sleeping in his crib for longer than a few hours and being bottle fed.
Although we are excited to feel warmer temps and see longer days around here, we had some fun after a snow storm a few weeks ago. Observe.

Did I mention that we went up to Maple Lake to stay with my mom for President's Day weekend?! Sheesh. This post is over due!

It's official. We have to get up there more often!
Have a great week!

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About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)