Tuesday, May 7, 2013

eight & nine

Things are crazy. Things are crazy. Things are crazy.

As usual, we have way to much going on. Making a major life-changing move? Check. New jobs for both Carl and I? Check. Me applying for said jobs? Check. Trying to launch a new photography business? Check. Trying to pack up a house that has 9 years of stuff (from 6 different people) in it? Check. Trying to find a house big enough for our family, but cheap enough for our budget in a tight, over-priced market? Check. Trying to find a renter for our house? Check. Driving up north (4-5 hour trips one one) every other weekend for various reasons? Check. Busiest month of the school year? Check. Four kids to take care of? Check. Jocie's track meets? Check. Ella's softball practices and soon games? Check. Trying not to kill each other? Check. Celebrating Ella's 8th birthday?? CHECK!! :)

We are so happy to take a break from our mad life to celebrate Ella's 8th year of life!! What can I tell you about Ella that you don't already know? She's energetic. She's musically talented. She athletically gifted. She makes friends really easily. She's happy. She sings all. the. time. She's spunky. She's an awesome big sister. She's beautiful. She's an all-around-fabulous kid and we are so blessed to call her ours.

And better late than never, let's take a peek at Carter's 9 month stats!

Weight:  24 lbs
Clothes size - 12-18 months
Diaper size - 4
Number of teeth: 2
Milestones: rolling over, sitting up and clapping his hands

LOVES - flirting with all ladies, clapping, smiling, playing with toys with wheels, going for stroller rides, being outside in general, watching Mario and Missy's dogs at daycare, laughing, tubby time, "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" story book, nursing, eating "puffs", and sleeping with mom and dad

HATES - sleeping in his crib for longer than a few hours, and when mom isn't around.

Once Carter realized he was wearing basketball gear, this was his reaction. What can I say? This is photographic proof that he would rather play hockey.

I hope you enjoyed this post - - because I hate to say it - - they may be few and far in between. But don't lose faith in me! I will try my best to update when ever physically possible!! :)

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About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)