Friday, September 10, 2010

week one is done

This week was . . . a lot of things. It was exciting and scary, organized and chaotic, rejuvenating and exhausting. Here are some conversation pieces and personal thoughts from the first week of school.

Me - "Jocie! How was your first day of Middle School!?"
Jocie - "It was crazy."
Me - "Crazy in a good way or in a bad way?"
Jocie - "I don't know. It was just crazy."
Me - "Ella! How was your first day of Kindergarten!?"
Ella - "Good!"
Me - "What did you learn?"
Ella - "I don't know."
Me - "Did you meet any new friends?"
Ella - "Yes!"
Me - "What are their names?"
Ella - "I don't know."
Me - "Hi 1st Graders! My name is Mrs. Adolphson. If that is too hard for you to remember, you can just call me Mrs. A."
- about 20 minutes of class goes by . . . we are about to line up -
Me - "Okay, everyone. Pop quiz! What is my name?"
Student - "Mrs. Apple!"
- A 1st grade class files into the gym and I introduce myself to them -
Student - "My teacher told me we were going to Music today"
Me - "You are going to Music right after Phy. Ed."
Student - "What is Phy. Ed.?"
Me - "This . . . you get to be active, play games, and learn how to be healthy"
Student - "Are you the music teacher?"
Me - "No. I am the Phy. Ed. Teacher" - - at this point I have to cut this conversation off so I can actually start class.
- about 15 minutes of class goes by -
Student - "Is this Music?"
Me - ". . . No."
Me - "When you get tagged by the tagger, you have to freeze and raise your hand. When one of your classmates runs by, they will give you a high five and then you can come back into the game. Does anyone have any questions?"
Student - "It's my doggy's birthday today, and we are going to have a party for him later!"
Me - "Did someone punch me in the face, or are those just bags under my eyes?"
Me - "What did you learn in Kindergarten today, Ella?"
Ella - "Not enough. I have to go back tomorrow."
I would be a liar if I said this week was all positive. There were many times where I felt frazzled, stressed, rushed, guilty, exhausted, and overwhelmed. In the mornings, I felt organized but rushed and guilty when it came to dropping Claire off at daycare. In the evenings I felt exhausted and overwhelmed. To top the week off, Claire woke up this morning throwing up! Poor little thing. She threw up over a dozen times before her nap. It as heartbreaking to watch . . . and really gross to clean up after. It's always really hard to let someone else teach your class on the first week of school. I hope the substitute did a good job, or I will have a challenging time reteaching what they should have learned the first time.

On a positive note, I think my school girls had a great first week (Jocie's days got less crazy as the week went on) and I know that I will "adjust" to the schedule. Everyday I looked forward to see Jocie walking into my gym at 3:00, and I swelled with pride everytime I saw Ella walking the halls or eating lunch at school. I can't tell you how awesome it is to have your children intertwined into your job.

Cheers to the second week! I know it will be . . . a lot of things :)


Unknown said...

How many of those "student stories" were my students?.....

Anne said...

...none that I know of...but they might be Jen's :)

About Me

My photo
...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)