Tuesday, September 7, 2010

a day of firsts

It was a momentous morning here at the House of Adolphson. Alarm clocks were buzzing at 5:30am and soon the bathroom was packed with parents and kids trying to get beautified for their first day of school. It was a busy morning filled with bathing, brushing of teeth, dressing, finding lost accessories, blow-drying, straightening and curling of hair, breakfast eating and coffee drinking. We also had last minute lunch checks and backpack checks. Luckily, I had labeled most everything the night before (I know I am a loser, but at least I was a prepared loser).

The girls were all smiles and very excited to get out the door and on to their new school adventures. Both girls were starting brand new schools, so they wanted to make a great first impression. I know I am a little bias, but I think both girls dressed for success!

If you were to look up the phrase "School Girl" in the dictionary, this picture would be right next to the definition.

If you were to look up the phrase "Cool Middle School Girl" this picture would be right next to the definition.

What is a great outfit remembered by? Oh yeah, the shoes!

This little picture collage makes my heart swell! Oh, how proud I am of my girls!

This morning my big girls began a journey that is not only important to their academic career, but almost more importantly, they will learn vital life skills they will hopefully carry into their adult lives. In school, they will learn how to work hard, be kind to others and listen to authority figures. If they can master those skills, they will be successful in everything they do.
Cheers to a great year, girls!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

O.M.G. Your kids are too cute!

About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)