Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Running to the beat of her own drum

On Saturday, I had to set my alarm to go off before the 7:00 hour. I wasn't all that happy with such a notion, but I knew it was for a good cause. Jocie had decided to run in a 2 mile race with her friend Amanda to help raise money for our church's Fall Festival. I can't remember being all that lazy of a kid (mom and dad - you might disagree), but I know that I didn't ever get up early on a Saturday morning to run 2 miles when I was eleven!

It was an awesome autumn morning with more sun than clouds and a cool crisp in the air.

Jocie told me that she likes running, but she doesn't like right before the race starts because she gets pretty nervous. I think you can see that written on her face! I even caught her cracking her knuckles . . . this is one of Jocie's dead give-a-ways of either being nervous or lying . . .

And their off!

The girls make a nice, confident start.

After seeing the girls off, I raced over to the Middle School so I could see them in action. The guy leading the pack is a friend of mine. Schmitty used to be one of our school social workers and the founder of the Pinewood (Staff) Running Club. He is a fantastic runner and an even better person. When ever I see him, he always greets me with, "Hey! Double A!" as he runs/skips/hops/schuffles by. I am pretty sure he is referring to my initials . . . but he could also be referring to something else . . . nah. He's not like that :)

The girls don't look too nervous here!

They both sprint through the finish! Gotta love the competitiveness!

Nice work girls! I can't wait until I get to rejoin the running world. Who knows, maybe I will be sprinting next to them at St. Henry's Fall Festival 2011.


Nancy Blackmun said...

Way to go, Jocie Girl! There aren't too many 11-yr-olds who would pass up a chance to sleep in on a Saturday morning to raise money for a church! (except, of course, your mom - tee hee!)You look like you were serious about the race but also having fun! Love you! Nanny

Unknown said...

Tell Jocie to hand some of that motivation this way! Good job Jocie!!

About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)