Thursday, November 29, 2012


In true one-week-behind style . . . Last week we celebrated Thanksgiving here at our home with our own little (or perhaps, not so little) family. Since we have been traveling a lot the past two weeks, we decided on a travel-free holiday.

When people think Thanksgiving, they think food, football and family. To tackle the first "f"on the list, I rushed into Coborn's at 10:30 on Wednesday night (procrastinate much??). As a was flying into the store, I hastily grabbed a cart and noticed an advertisement for "a complete, fully cooked Thanksgiving meal" available at the deli for $69.99, and I immediately thought, "If it weren't so expensive, I would totally do that!" For the last three years we've had Thanksgiving at home, and let me tell you, it's hard to pull a massive meal like that together all on your own! Usually, other family members that come provide apps, side dishes and desserts! Anyway, I did my shopping and got everything on my list. I went to the checkout and was shocked when I saw my total . . . of $98!! What the heck!! Next year, I will be doing my last minute shopping at the Coborn's DELI.

I am happy to report that for the most part, we had a relaxing day. I pulled off a traditional Thanksgiving meal of Turkey, (real) mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, cranberries and rolls with pumpkin pie (which I bought), brownies and ice cream for dessert. The kids and Carl had a carefree morning which trickled into the afternoon. It was very low key.

Our app spread . . . nothing fancy, but it fit the bill

This year we had a 16 pound Butterball . . . and a 7.5 pound turkey :)

During dinner, we always ask the kids what they are thankful for. Here were their responses:

Jocie - Basketball
Ella - our house and our family
Claire - treats (dad.....this was sponsored in part by you and 3 Musketeers!)

Later on we were excited to see snow outside our window. And not just any snow. HUGE flakes that were floating down from the sky. As they fell, I could almost hear the words "Welcome to the Christmas Season" being whispered in the breeze. We just had to go and freak out in it :)

didn't know what to do, she was so excited she just decided to do a little dance and throw up a gang sign or two :)

not so sure . . .

then okay with it

Of course, we have many things to be thankful for. Sometimes it's hard to remember them on a day-to-day basis. It's easy to get caught up in self pity. But the fact of the matter is - We have a wonderful family (immediate and extended), we ALL have our health, we have a house to live in, jobs to help us pay for the things we NEED and great friendships that help us get through rocky moments. Who could ask for anything more? (truth - I can on most days . . . if we could just take my job out of the equation so I could stay home with Carter and Claire (and not minus any of the money that comes from said job), move our house to a different location and then renovate it complete with a photography studio/shooting space, and take 10 pounds off my body, I'd be one happy mama - - What?!  I'm just sayin'.)

In all honesty, the thing I am most thankful for is the time I have had at home with my kids. Yes, I would like it to be more permanent, and yes, I am starting to get sad thinking about having to drop them off at daycare everyday before heading off to work for 8 hours of every workday, but I AM thankful for the time I have had and will have for the next month. It's more than most "working mothers" get. And for that, I am thankful.

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About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)