Wednesday, November 21, 2012

birthday get-a-way

 Last weekend we packed up the van and headed to Thumper Pond outside Furgus Falls to celebrate Grandpa Dwaine's 60th birthday. Thumper Pond is a hotel resort with a water park right inside, so the kids were super pumped about the trip!

The first thing we did was have Carter meet Austin, our new nephew! He was born just 3 weeks after Carter, and because our lives have been so crazy since the boys have been born, we haven't had a chance to get these two together. I think it's pretty safe to say that these little guys love each other already (except for the time Carter made Austin cry....because he was crying....shocker).

 ....already holding hands :)

 Austin showing us his Tummy Time skills
The girls had a lot of fun at the water park and also at the arcade. I wasn't able to witness any of this fun because I was with Carter in the room while he napped (and I got a chance to read my the sweet, sweet silence), but the girls brought me back some proof :)

When everyone laid down to take a nap, I headed out for a little nature walk. Carter had been pretty "vocal", and I needed a little peace.

Then came time for a family picture.  With everyones busy lives, it's not often that everyone is all in the same place. Of course large family photos can be a challange . . .

(notice everyone wondering if they are in the right place, Carter screaming, Darin photo-bombing :), and Ella's face)

But like champs, everyone was able to get it together and we got the shot :)

Here are a few more random candids from the birthday dinner

Wish I could have gotten a few more pictures, but little man was a tad demanding. Thanks everyone for the fun time!


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About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)