Thursday, November 1, 2012

pumpkins, costumes, candy and such

Well folks, I bet you didn't know it was Halloween yesterday, right? And so I bet you don't know what's coming at you first . . . okay, I don't know where to go from here, so let's just get on with the pictures, shall we?

*not like you care, but none of these are edited....I've been up to my eyeballs in editing for the last two months and these are good enough :)

 like, OMG mom. don't take pictures of my face. I haven't showered yet.

Carving pumpkins is always a fun event. Cleaning up after it, is not. Everyone scattered and I was left with this. Urg.

The main event? That's right! Bring on the candy!

Joc didn't come with us this year. She stayed at home and passed out candy. She's getting too old :(

 Yes, our kids are running across the street. And yes, we looked both ways before they went.

(Jocie's pumpkin is eating the littlest pumpkin, Ella and Claire's pumpkins are on the lower step and you can tell whos is whos by the teeth...:) and Carter's is the little one who looks like it's sad/ fitting)

AND - Introducing Carter's BFF

This is Ty Johnston!! (my dear friend Nicole's son) He and Carter already have things in common...

1. He was born early (37 weeks)
2. He spent time in the NICU
3. He is home now and is as healthy as an ox
4. He's as cute as a button
5. He eats like a man and poops like one too

I was so excited to be able to take newborn photos for Ty, and I gotta say, he was the best newborn I have ever worked with. Slept like a champ and didn't mind being posed one bit. His mama did the beautiful editing :)

I can't wait until these boys get to play together!

Hope your Halloween was as sweet as ours!

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About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)