Tuesday, December 4, 2012

we "griswold-ed" it

I have often talked about Griswold-type road trips with our kids in our "family truckster" complete with crazy kids and Clark-type freak outs by either Carl and/or I. Well folks, we did it again. Maybe not in every way, but in our own Adolphson-type way.

Carl and I both grew up having real Christmas trees. But about 5 years ago, we totally copped out and bought ourselves a pre-lit fake tree. I was bummed, but I couldn't argue that it would be an easy and convenient option (not to mention cheaper). Year after year we would pull it down from storage and set it up. It was still fun, but it just wasn't the same.

This year, I found a cute little tree farm to take photography clients to for holiday themed photo sessions.  Once I was there, I was hooked. That fake tree wasn't going to see the light of day this year!

My family didn't really share my enthusiasm about the tree farm.  Why would they? Even Jocie couldn't remember a Christmas seasons when we had a real tree. But once we pulled into the farm, they got excited too.

When we pulled in, we were greeted by a lovely lady who handed us a map of the farm and a saw. We decided to get the lay of the land first by driving around to see what types of trees they had to offer. Then we took off on foot to find "the one".

Claire wanted this one. Ella didn't agree.

Could this be the one? Maybe. We kept looking . . .

She didn't care for the "pokies". They really made her mad.

Then . . . there it was. And she was a beaut Clark, I real beaut.

Whoops, wrong family.

She (or he?) was perfect! Not too big for our house, yet not too small. Not too thin or too fat. She was a keeper.

 Mr. Adolphson had to teach his class about how to tell the age of trees . . . we learned our tree was 13

So we threw her up on top of the 'ol family truckster and headed into the gift shop for some hot chocolate and Christmas sausage while our tree was shook, bagged and strapped to the van.

We had an awesome time! I'm excited to add this trip annually.
And now . . . drum roll please . . .

TA-DA! We got her all lit up (in a non-drunk way)!
Carter even took a break from his evening screaming to take in all of it's beauty

Cheers to a very happy Christmas Season!

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Seriously adorable pictures!! Your kids are so beautiful! And I laughed out loud when Carl had to turn it into a lesson - my mom was a teacher too, so it just brings me right back! :)

About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)