Tuesday, September 4, 2012

weekend rewind

Labor Day weekend is always one of the biggest weekends of the year.  Usually, we use it to get ready for school for both the girls and Carl and I. The only difference this year is that we added a baptism and took away one person going back to school (Me!! Yay!)

Grandma and Grandpa Adolphson and Dana and Ryan (Carter's Godparents) came down for the big event. Because Dana and Ryan hadn't had a chance to meet Carter yet, Saturday was filled with a lot of cuddling.


Of course, Grandma and Grandpa had to get in on the cuddling too.



Sunday morning was a busy one as we attempted to rotate everyone through our one bathroom and to church by 10:15 for 10:30 Mass. I am happy to announce that our attempt was a success, and we got everyone to the church on time (with 3 minutes to spare due to Carl's speedy race to church . . . it's something that is practiced every Sunday)!

The baptism went off without a hitch.  Carter only cried a few times for only a short period of time, and was welcomed into the Church with open arms. It's always really humbling to have over 500 people watch your child be baptised . . . it's just such a special moment. We were also excited because Carter's great aunt and uncle, Loren and Diane Adolphson decided to surprise us at church! :)

 (Carter wore the same baptismal garment that was made for and worn by Carl, all his siblings, all our kids and my niece, Annika!)
our first family picture since Carter's been born!
(cake made by great-aunt Joan - delish!!)
The only "hiccups" during church was Claire dropping the kneeler on my already aching feet (twice) and then deciding to lift up the back of my dress right before we walked up the isle to bring up the gifts . . . thankfully, I don't think anyone saw (except probably the people who were sitting in the lobby . . . I am sure it was quite a sight . . . yikes).

Labor Day weekend is also a time to soak up those last few moments of Summer. Since we can't do anything too wild and crazy because Carter's so little, we have been going on a lot of walks and bike rides with Claire's "big girl" bike. With my girls, no bike ride is complete without the right accessories . . . a purse, sequined flip flops trimmed in leopard print, a big sun hat, even bigger sun glasses, and their "cell phones".

 ( . . . she was "ready for her close-up")


"Mommy, look here! I am gonna take your picture" . . . I have created a monster!


We ended our weekend with a swim in Gary's (our neighbor's ) pool and two very excited girls having a hard time falling asleep before the big day - the first day of both 2nd and 8th grade! (more pictures to come).

Happy School Year everyone (happy meaning everyone going back to school and me staying right where I want to be - at home!!) :)

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About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)