One of the reasons why Fall is my favorite season is because of all the fun traditions that are played out year after year. The pumpkin and costume shopping, carving and lighting of the jack-o-lanterns, the ever-exciting event of trick-or-treating . . . what could be better?!
This year was no exception! We started the festivities off by shopping (and playing) at the 101 Market in Rogers, MN.

Okay . . . I hope this isn't "foreshadowing" anything in Claire's future . . .
This year was no exception! We started the festivities off by shopping (and playing) at the 101 Market in Rogers, MN.

Okay . . . I hope this isn't "foreshadowing" anything in Claire's future . . .

Then the carving took place . . . we did more "traditional"-type jack-o-lanterns this year . . . but why mess with tradition? I think they turned out fantastic :)

Then on to the best stuff . . . getting free candy from neighbors and complete strangers! The cherry on top of our Halloween night? Nanny and Denny came down for the event! :)

(Ella was Cleopatra, Claire was an ice cream cone - even though everyone thought she was a cup cake - and Jocie was Batman for the 2nd year running - - Grandma Judy made too good of a costume for just one year!)

Our next door neighbor, Gary always hands out a HUGE handful of candy to my girls . . . and this year, he thought Nanny should have some too :)

(...What? Putting our kids in the trunk when going house to house and letting our toddler drive is just fine! Or at least it's "fine" where we grew up!)
I can't believe it's already November! Hunting and Thanksgiving are just around the corner . . . I wish we could slow things down a little!!
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