1. Teacher
2. Coach (Football and Girls Basketball)
3. Driver's Training Instructor
4. Weight Room Coach/Supervisor
5. Teacher
6. Photog
7. Professional Drinker (okay, this is more of a hobby, but Carl insists I should get paid for it since I am so good at it)
Why do we do this to ourselves you may ask? We need to.
Because of all of this crazy, we decided to take a little break and meet Carl on his lunch break to have a picnic in the park. This is something that I always think we will do more of, but I never seem to remember how much fun it is to simply pack up your lunch and enjoy it on a blanket outside.

(even Mario joined us!)

There was nothing glamorous about our picnic lunch. In fact, we had a straight-up, white-trash menu (peanut butter and jelly on hot dog buns, Doritos, Pringles, peaches, assorted beverages and cupcakes for desert. Because, we all know, when talking about picnics, the fun is never in the menu! :)

(Ella piped up out of no where and said, "this looks like a butt")

(the only bad part of the picnic was when the Port-A-Potty people came and empied the Pot nearby . . . everyone left the park except for us!)

We ate. We laughed. We played. And it was exactly what we needed.
Jocie and I are off to Montana tomorrow morning for my cousin Heidi's Wedding. It should be a blast!
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