Friday, July 30, 2010

A Day in the Life

One of the best memories I will have of this summer will be the mornings I share with my girls out on the playground. As many of you know, Claire is an outdoor girl. Every morning after she wakes up, I hardly have enough time to get breakfast into her tummy before she brings me my flip-flops in hopes that I will bring her outside. As soon as I say the magic words, "Claire, do you want to go outside?", her big blue eyes light up as a huge smile spreads across her face. She giggles and squeals as I put on her shoes, knowing that we will be in the great outdoors in no time!

Because it is so early in the morning, I have to carry Claire back to the playground because the grass is still wet with dew. I trudge across the yard with a baby in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other, with Mario following close by. I sincerely hope our backdoor neighbor, Rob, sleeps in because we are ALWAYS still in pajamas and often still supporting our "troll hair" from the night before.

Once we are in the rocks, Claire usually points to her swing. After I get her all buckled in, she always points to the swing next to her and grunts. This is telling me I have to swing too.

After swinging, she usually chooses to play in her house or in the rocks. By this time, Ella has usually woken up and joins us (while Joc is still sleeping soundly).

The girls often play "Restaurant" with me and serve me "stone soup".

What service!

After a few hours of playing, Claire usually gets a little sleepy and is ready for her nap. Then we head back in the house, lay her down, and I get some of my "Mommy Chores" done before lunch time.
Before the summer began, I thought I would have time to have a cup of coffee while watching Ellen in the mornings. But to my surprise, I have only seen about 20 minutes of Ellen all summer long! But to be honest, as much as I love Ellen, I have not missed it one bit! I would take a morning on the playground with my girls over watching Ellen any day of the week!

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About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)