Sunday, July 4, 2010

As American as . . .

On this 4th of July, I would like to pay tribute to some of the things we have experienced over the past week which I believe to be very American.

As American as . . . Baseball.

On Monday, Carl and I went to see the Twins battle Tampa Bay. Before the game started, I was thrilled to find out that two of my very good friends from High School were also going to the game. To make the situation even better, it just happened to be Molly's birthday (her birthday is the day after mine, and we always celebrated together in our younger years). So, we all met at a local downtown establishment for some pre-game drinks!

Lynsey, Molly and I

A view from our season seats

Minnie and Paul

Pep talk with the boys

Joe Mauer flying out to left field

As American as . . . backyard BBQ's
Last night we got to enjoy an All-American BBQ on our back patio with my dad and step mom, Barb. Dad prepared the burgers (with BBQ sauce, oatmeal and eggs . . . a yummy combo) and Barb baked a Rhubarb Dessert (maybe not as American as Apple Pie, but it tasted better!)

Ella enjoying "Boppa's Burgers"

As American as . . . Corn on the Cobb
I love Corn on the Cobb . . . and so does Claire!!

Claire does not want to share with Ella.
When this picture was taken she was screaming "MINE"!
uh oh!

Oh, so good!

Happy Birthday to The United States of America! We love you, and everything you stand for!

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About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)