Monday, May 11, 2009

post-pregnancy drinks

Ahhhhhh, there are some wonderful things about being pregnant. The "glow", and extra helpings of your favorite foods, the wonderful feeling of flutters in your belly, but there are also some sacrifices you must make. Two of the big sacrifices (at least for me), was giving up coffee and wine. Although I was happy to do it (well....maybe "happy" isn't the best word...) and I do think that it was well worth it, I was so happy to start having my morning cup of coffee back into my routine and was also happy to enjoy my first glass of wine this past weekend!

(LOVE the caption
on this cup!)

We had a fun little BBQ with the Severson's and the Johnston's this past Friday night! They were very nice, and brought all of the food, so we didn't have to do a thing! My first glass of wine was made better because I got to share it over good conversation with great friends! The kids also had a great time playing together. Gabe and Jocie played outside, and Mette and Ella enjoyed (a lot) of chips and then played in Ella's room.

Jenine and Nicole also has some cuddle time with Claire...which she must have enjoyed just as much as they did, since she slept almost the entire evening away.

Thanks for the good times! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Since my "feature" on your blog, I am now famous. I can't keep the paparazzi away... :)

Thanks for having us over...I mean, thanks for allowing us to invite ourselves over! I had a great time too...when does wine night start?!?!

About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)