Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"you look like you just got hit by a bus"

As I stumbled into the door of my school this morning, with my computer hanging from one shoulder, my pump hanging from the other, my lunch in one hand, and my coffee mug clutched by my other, a co-worker looked at me and said, "You look like you just got hit by a bus! No offense."

None taken, my friend. None taken.

My co-worker hit the nail right on the head, because I feel as though I have been hit by a bus.  I am exhausted. The adrenaline rush from starting back to school has worn off, and I have hit the wall. I feel like I am always running....from our early morning routines (which are much more organized less stressful this year, thankfully), to 8 hours at school filled with running, screaming high energy kids and rushed pumping sessions every chance I get, to the after school shuffle, to getting dinner on the table and homework done, to bed-time routines, to getting every one's clothes laid out, lunches packed and jackets, boots, mittens and hats set out, then on to a night of interrupted sleep (Carter still eats 2-3 times a night) . . . needless to say, I don't know how I/we are going to keep this all up. I know there are other mothers that do the same thing, but it still doesn't make it any easier for me and our family.  Thank goodness my mom was here my first full week back! She has made dinner, did all my laundry and helped pack up the Christmas tree stuff . . . if it weren't for her, we would have nothing to wear, and would be eating things like mac-and-cheese for dinner.

On a positive note, Carter has started eating at daycare! My provider switched to a different bottle, and he has learned he has to eat from it. I also started him on solids (oatmeal, bananas and sweet potatoes) and he has been loving it :) Plus, my students have been wonderfully sweet, which has made teaching really enjoyable.

I haven't even had a chance to blog about Christmas! But I assure you - - we had another fabulous holiday. We started things off right at our own home by going to Mass on Christmas Eve, then coming home and enjoying our annual candle lit dinner, and then opened presents.

We woke up on Christmas morning to a tree full of Santa presents. Buddy (our elf on the shelf) mustn't have given Santa a full report because the kids were certainly spoiled by the man in red!

After packing the van to it's limits, we hit the road! Our first stop was in Grand Forks to have Christmas dinner at Joe Black's with my family, then traveled to the lake to hang out and "relax" (I used quotes because we all know that when you travel with small kids, you never get a chance to truly relax). Carl and the kids got a chance to get out and skate on the lake just like they did last year, but I was stuck in the house with no skating photos this year.

On Friday, we headed over to Argyle to spend a few days with the Adolphsons. We had a great time visiting, "snowcatting" (aka snowmobiling), eating and opening tons of gifts! What can I say? The kids love being spoiled by Grandma and Grandpa!

 (exploring an old barn on Grandpa's land)
  It's so incredibly fun to watch Austin and Carter together! They already seem to love each other....when ever they are close enough, they hold hands :)

 (one of Annika's totally has the "photographers eye"!
 Claire is loving her new "clicky shoes"
Annika and Claire are a hoot to see together! They play so well and even give each other words of advice:
"Claire, you shouldn't cry so much. It's embarrassing." !! :)

The Christmas season was bitter/sweet for me. I love Christmas, but it was tainted this year with the thought of returning to the "work world" right after the new year. As I watched the ball drop, instead of feeling hope and joy for a brand new year, I felt a pang in my heart because I knew my time at home with Carter was over. But with every door that closes, a window is bound to open . . . Cheers to 2013! I am hopeful it will bring us just as much happiness as 2012!

I still have to blog about Jocie's 14th birthday and Carter's 6 month milestone.....the rate I am going, it will be about a month out.... :)

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About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)