I know I have said this many times on our blog, but I can't believe how fast time flies. It's crazy. It never slows down. It just continues to fly out of control.
Last weekend we took our first full family day trip over to Hudson, WI to spend some time with our college friends. It was a great day of visiting, laughing, hanging out, and watching our kids play together. It doesn't feel like it's been 10 years since we graduated college! How can that be? We should still be hanging out in a bar somewhere slamming back beers and talking about finals. But for some reason, now we are now surrounded by kids, talking about breast milk.
Carter was trying to impress Samantha . . . it didn't work. :)
look what they have created!!
We had a blast! Thanks, Verbouts for hosting at your gorgeous home!
The rest of the week was filled with the usual - getting kids homework done and off to school, and then hangin' with Clarie and Carter. It was another great week . . . however, Carter's been quite a bit more fussy lately . . . let's all cross our fingers and pray that it's just a short phase!
when I do sleep, it's usually on the recliner . . . someone doesn't like to sleep by himself!
(mornings at home with my coffee are my fav!)

Claire loves to play dress up . . .
and paint her nails . . .
and bake banana bread . . .
and jump on the bed . . .

and play kitchen . . .
and sing! . . .
and love on her brother. :)
Carter is . . .
watching us while sitting in his bouncy seat . . .
doing tummy time . . .
and napping . . .

look who's starting to grow eye lashes . . . I hope they're just like Claire's!
Many of you are asking how I am feeling. To be honest, I feel pretty darn good compared to how I was feeling! I have even started to exercise a little . . . a walk here, a bike ride there, slowly but surely getting back into it. But let me tell you, it's not like after I had the girls. With the last two, at the six week mark, I was back into my pre-baby jeans. (NOT with Joc . . . I was a HOUSE . . . gained like 60 lbs with that one . . . took about a year to be back to normal) Not this time! It has been 8 weeks and I am still rockin' the maternity jeans. And yes, I still have a little ponch in the lower gut area, but that's not what's keeping me away from my regular jeans. No. No. It's my thighs and a$$. So I have been trying pretty hard to eat really healthy . . . and it's still not coming off very well! And, BONUS, I always look a little disheveled. Hair up in a crack-head pony tail, dark circles under my eyes, pale face . . . you know what I mean. Ella asks me almost every day, "Mom, are you going to wear make-up today? Because you just don't 'pop' without it." Thanks Ella. And then Claire told me the other day while we were watching TV that she wanted me to look like "that lady" - which was a young, beautiful, put together young actress that was playing a mom on TV - well Claire, it;s not gonna happen!
Ah, what we do to be mothers! We schlep our way through pregnancy while watching our bodies morph into something we don't recognize. Go through delivery. Recover. Breast feed. Try to be a mother to a newborn and all your other kids on two hours of sleep at a time, while still trying to keep up with house work and other things . . . and try to look good while it's all going on?! Like my dad says . . . , "Be careful for what you wish." . . . yeah, yeah dad. I hear you.