Friday, April 13, 2012

BIG day!

Yesterday was a day for the both great and not-so-great ways. Since I always like to end on a positive note, we'll start with the bad news first...

I had my level II ultrasound and consulted with a Perinatologist. They found that I do indeed have Placenta Acreta...but we found out that my placenta was further in bedded than they first thought, so I actually have Placenta Increata with possible Placenta Percreta. So at this point the best case scenario is that I make it until 32 weeks with no other bleeding episodes. I would then be admitted into Abbott Northwestern in Minneapolis and deliver the baby at no later than 34 weeks. At the time of delivery, I would have a hysterectomy and possibly more surgery depending upon what else my placenta decides to attach to (like my bladder...). Since the baby would be six weeks early, he/she would have to stay at least two weeks in the NICU. But on a positive note, I would be delivering at the BEST maternal hospital and the baby would be in the BEST NICU in the state! AND the baby looked great on the ultra sound! :) So not all news was bad yesterday. Carl and I have also decided to find out the gender of the baby. We had the tech write it down and seal it in an envelope. We are having a birthday BBQ for both Claire and Ella next weekend where we (and all our guests) will find out whether we have a He or a She! It was fun to be surprised in the delivery room, but we figured this baby has already given us enough surprises, so we have decided we would rather be prepared for something! :)

Yesterday was also a fantastic day! Yesterday, our little Claire-Bear turned 3 years old!! We couldn't be more proud of her or love her anymore than we already do. Because time seems to fly by pretty quickly around here, I got this idea for a photo off and loved it because it showcases everything that Claire "loves" at this stage in her life.


Happy Birthday Claire!!

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About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)