I know every family goes through "this stage" of running-around-with-your-head-cut-off type of life. Jocie has Volleyball, Ella has soccer and I have to drag Claire to all of these practices and games, even though she just wants to be at home playing. Carl's coaching high school football this year, so needless to say, we don't get to see him until 7:00 (on practice days....WAY later on game night...which are 2-3 times per week). Ella seems to have WAY too much homework for a 1st grader (we are talking every night for at least 20-30 mins), and Jocie is always working on a project, speech, or studying for a test. Yuck.
But enough complaining and on with a few photos. :)
There is a big pumpkin patch near our home that we visited last weekend (...we may have been trespassing, but I wasn't certain...so I figured since I didn't know, that I was okay...) The girls had fun trying to find really big pumpkins and then trying to find "baby" pumpkins. The part I liked about it is that it was simple, the girls had a lot of fun, and it got them excited for fall stuff.

To close this post out with a "little funny" I would like to share a conversation from a 1st grade class today...
Me: "Boys and Girls. Please don't touch the equipment set up in the gym. Just go to you spots and sit down"
we all walk in...
Girl: "Where is it?"
Me: "Where's what"
Girl: "The poop we aren't supposed to touch"
...I wonder what was on her mind??
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