What do you do at the lake when it's in the high 90's and the humidity levels are off the chart? That's right, you park your butt in the water, and stay there . . . as long as you can!
We pretty much did every activity you can do at the lake. We swam, we built things out of sand, we played yard games, we grilled, we ate (a lot), we drank (a lot), we boated, we fished, we canoed, we floated, we sang around the camp fire (well . . . they sang . . . I wish I could sing), we read books, we swatted mosquitoes, we visited, we played cards, we put TONS of sun block on, and pretty much just had a fabulous time!
Here are just a few scenes of our lake vacation:

cutie-cousin Annika

Jocie worked really hard creating this sand city. So cool!

Then King-Kong Claire destroyed it . . . two seconds after I took the above pic . . . right when Jocie went to wash up.

in this movie, King Kong gets a time-out.

Did I ever tell you that Ella usually likes to pose for the camera?
and that Claire like to run . . . at all times?
(would have loved to have a "Jocie Collage", but it's "not cool", so I was out of luck)
but she held the sun up for me, so I forgave her :)
Thanks Adolpshons for another great stay at Lake Amelia!

1) Claire time-out is hilarious
2) When did Jocie start looking so grown up?!
3) I Love Ella's swimming suit, where did you buy it?
4) Can we get a photo of Hannah and Claire in their matching suits?!
5) Great Photos
1. She was such a little turd.
2. Ask myself that almost everyday.
3. Target
4. YES, YES, YES!!
5. Thanks :)
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