Monday, June 15, 2009

And we're off!

Well...the summer has officially began, and we are all very busy (shocker)! Ella's gymnastics class is on Monday nights which started last week. Jocie started her basketball camp today which goes for the next two weeks. In the middle of that, she and Carl will be headed off for their annual horseback riding trip. But instead of heading all the way to Mandan, ND to ride and camp, they are headed to the familiar grounds of Argyle, MN. They will enjoy riding and camping with Grandpa Dwaine at the Old Mill State Park. Next week, Jocie also starts her Volleyball Camp (whew).

Carl and I are (too) busy also. I have Master's class every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8:00-1:00 and some random Fridays thrown in there to spice things up! Carl does Driver's Training Mon, Wed, and Fri's from 8:00 - 12:00 and Tues and Thurs from 2:00 - 6:00. He is also working hard on his Master's because his Action-Research paper is due in early July (YUCK...or could substitute the "Y" in that word and use an "F" instead). Thank God Carl will be done with his Master's program in August! YAY!! And of course we have our darling little Claire to take care of who just turned 2 MONTHS :)

Claire is growing up (and chubbing up) right before our eyes. She is really starting to notice the things around her. She is starting to get a kick out of her toys. She loves to look at rattles and her little animals that circle her head in the swing (which she also really likes). She is starting to coo back at us when we are talking to her, and also starting to smile quite a bit (which is our favorite!)

Although our summer will be a hectic one, we are determined to enjoy it!


amie giersdorf said...

I can't believe Claire is 2 months already - where does the time go???? I feel like I really should thank you again for inspiring me to start the blog - I'm addicted to it now!! I love reading your updates - it makes us feel closer to you guys! I can't for all of us to get together again! We miss you guys!!
Please give the girls a big hug and kiss from us!!
Enjoy your summer vacation!!!

Bethy!!! said...

I can't wait to see you guys... and little (a.k.a. chubby) Claire!!!

About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)