Over the past few months, our shower has started to fail us. Some how, the little knob that you pull to get the shower to run, broke. So Carl, being ever so crafty, jimmied up the pulley with some duct tape, and it seemed to be good as new . . .except for the fact that if anyone pulled from the top instead of pushing up from the bottom the tape would pull off and it would break once again.
Then, all of a sudden, the lever that stops the water from going down the drain broke. So crafty-Carl shoved a bottle in between the faucet and the lever and, ta-da, the bathtub would drain once again!
After using our main (and ghetto) bathroom in not-so-perfect condition for a few months, we decided that enough was enough. We hired a very nice man (Mark) to help us fix a few things. We decided to replace the rosey tiles, get new shower fixtures, new sink fixtures, re-face the cabinet drawers, get a new counter top, and new flooring!!
So Carl and Mark got started . . .