Tuesday, January 12, 2010

9 months old

I cannot believe Claire is already 9 months old! Our lives have been such a whirl-wind that I feel like life is going way too fast! Claire continues to develop her own little personality. She is still quite smiley, but is also starting to develop some "spunk". If she doesn't get what she wants, or someone tries to take something away from her that she wants , she clenches her fits, straightens her arms, tenses her face, and shows her two bottom teeth!! Part of me is thinking, "Oh No! Another strong personality!", but part of me thinks it's OK because she is going to need to be able to stick up for herself being the youngest child.

Claire still has no interest in crawling. If she needs to get any where, she just rolls there. I have tried to put her up on her hands and knees, but she just squawks at me and rolls to her back. I am not worried about the crawling thing...actually, I like that she not that mobile yet. All too soon, she'll be walking, and then I'll be wishing that she would just sit still! So I am going to enjoy the time I have :)

She is getting quite chatty. She is always coming up with new sounds, and loves to laugh at her sisters' antics. Jocie loves it, because if she is being silly, Claire is always there to laugh at her.
She also still loves baths. Here is a shot of her last night post-bath with her rubber-duckie. In the words of Ernie, "he makes bath time lots of fun".

Because of her teeth, Grandma Barb gave Clarie her first tooth brush to make sure they stay healthy. She loves to brush...almost too much. I brushed her teeth first, and then she continued to brush for the next twenty minutes. I tried on a few occasions to get the toothbrush away from her, but she had it concealed in her kung-fu grip!

We all feel so blessed to have Claire in our lives. She is the perfect addition, and I can hardly remember life without her. We look forward to all of the milestones we will go through together.


Unknown said...

Those pictures could not be any cuter!!.....Happy 9 months Claire!

Beth said...

It's so fun to hear about all of the new things Claire is doing! She is such a cutie!! I've never heard of a baby who enjoys tooth brushing :).

About Me

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...proud mother of Jocelyn, Ella, Claire and Carter, wife of Carl, daughter of Mike and Nancy, sister of Ali, John, and Jessie, Physical Education teacher to over 500 students, and friend to....many :)