I love my life. I love my children. I love my family. Really. I promise. :)
Subject change - - on to the fun! Ali and Daysha came down for a long weekend to hang out and ..... wait for it .... to go to the Justin Beiber Concert! That's right folks! I paid money to leave my chaotic, loud, crazy house to go to a chaotic, loud and crazy pre-teen packed stadium full of crazed SCREAMING kids. Sound like a good plan? Honestly - it was awesome! It gave me a chance to get out of my house, get dressed up (or at least of of my pj's), go out for a nice dinner at PF Chang's, and watch my two oldest daughters experience their first concert while we danced, screamed and sang right along with everyone else. It is something we will never forget.
(pre-gaming was a must)
Can't you just hear the ear splitting screaming??
Thanks Ali and Daysha for a great time! And thanks to Daysha for the concert pics.
We also got a chance to hang out with my dad for a few afternoons before my dad and Barb fly south for the winter.
Because Bopa was coming over, we just had to put Carter's first hockey jersey on. He loved it!
My dad is known for holding babies in what we all call, "The Bopa Hold". He can usually get babies to stop crying by holding him like this . . . it even worked on Carter (for awhile).
Then, Carl and Jocie went to a football game, my dad took the two other girls to a birthday party, Carter napped, and I got a chance to edit pics and blog. It's quiet in my house. It is fabulous.
(his cheeks are getting so big that they are collapsing his mouth!)
Tomorrow we will dive into our pumpkins and transform them into Jack-O-Lanterns. More to come...